Integrated report 2019
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Working environment and focus on growth

We are constantly trying to attract and acquire employees with the greatest potential. At the same time, we encourage them to focus on long-term commitment and development within the organisation. This allows not only to build competences, but also to protect our company from losing such employees. This is why internal recruitment is preferred, holding out the prospect for long-term employee growth within the company. At the same time, we strengthen our sources of candidate acquisition by continuing the action of the “I know, I refer” programme. Its goal is to increase the efficiency of acquiring new employees by referring candidates by the current employees of the company. We pay a financial reward for an effective referral. Its amount depends on a type of job for which the referred candidate is to be hired. Additionally in 2019, Budimex, as the first construction company, implemented an external referral programme, thanks to which also persons from outside the company were able to refer employees. They could refer a person from their surroundings with use of a dedicated platform A financial prize is awarded for a successfully referred candidate.

Our employees are subject to periodic assessment with regard to the implementation status of individual tasks and the style of work consisting of competences forming the Competence Model. The assessment results are used to evaluate work efficiency, determine the demand for development of competences and to identify persons with a high growth potential. Based on the periodic assessment, there are planned, among others, developmental tasks. We define overall developmental and training needs based on the business strategy, the above-mentioned results of employee periodic assessments, results of the Management Review and reports of training needs from business units.

To encourage current employees to maintain a long-term relationship with the company and attract young, most talented graduates, we provide the staff not only with attractive remuneration, comprehensive social package and opportunities for personal development, but also with a friendly working environment.

Additionally, as part of the “Budimex Academy” programme, Budimex representatives meet with students at technical universities, providing future engineers with their knowledge and experience. We also offer paid internships at Budimex throughout the year and the students interested in their growth in the railway construction industry to receive an annual scholarship.

Budimex Academy for the 10th time

Budimex, as the largest Polish civil engineering contractor, launched another student internship programme in March 2019. What can the students who dream about a career in the construction industry expect to find at the tenth-anniversary edition of the event? The benefits include paid internships, medical care and, of course, the opportunity to gain valuable experience in civil engineering while working with the leader on the Polish construction market. Budimex has been supporting the professional development of the young people who wish to work in the construction industry for 10 years. As part of that process, Budimex Academy project includes paid internships. Throughout that time, more than 3,000 students and graduates of Polish universities participated in these internships.

Best Quality Employer

The title of the Best Quality Employer was granted to Budimex by Centralne Biuro Certyfikacji Krajowej (Central Bureau of National Certification; CBCK). The awards ceremony took place on 18 January 2019. The CBCK initiative is aimed at selecting and promoting companies that are distinguished by their reliability in terms of employment policy, employee solutions, and human resources management. The companies are trustworthy enterprises that take care of the development of employees and ensure stable employment and a friendly atmosphere at work.

Budimex in the first three most desirable employers

Budimex was once again in the first three of the most desirable employers in the category of engineering among students and graduates of higher education institutions. This is according to the annual nationwide survey of Most Attractive Employers Poland 2019.

The survey participants included over 17 thousand students from 71 Polish universities, covering over 112 courses of study, including business, engineering, IT, medicine, the exact sciences, humanities and law. Budimex took the third place in the “Engineering” category, followed by Google and Microsoft.

“Graduates of technical and economic studies are an important group of current and potential employees. Many of the current Contract and Site Managers started working with us immediately after graduation. As an employer, we guarantee the possibility of promotion, self-realisation and professional development. We care about the development, health and safety of our staff,” said Cezary Mączka, Member of the Management Board, Chief HR Officer in Budimex. “It is worth noting that the Polish construction company is among top global brands and highly ahead of other civil engineering companies,” said Cezary Mączka.