Projects in the public-private partnership formula (PPP) may be an opportunity for further development of the construction market. PPP in Poland is still implemented on a limited scale, usually in the case of small projects. The positive signal is the fact that the PPP Team in the Polish Ministry of Development prepared and that the government adopted the strategic document titled “Government’s Policy for PPP Development”. It is assumed in the document that at least 100 new PPP contracts will be concluded between 2017 and 2020 and the value share of the signed PPP contracts in capital expenditures in the national economy within the public sector should be close to 5%.
In 2020, the global and European pandemic of COVID-19 entirely changes the forecasts for the construction and development market in Poland and will have a significant impact on the long-term performance of companies, including Budimex. The assessment of the market situation and the above-mentioned market forecasts formulated at the beginning of 2020 can be outdated to a large extent and they will be verified once the company will be able to estimate the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and the construction market in Poland.