Integrated report 2019
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Summary of accomplishment of strategy objectives for the years 2016-2020

Objectives Indicator (KPI) Purpose Accomplishment
Area 1: Improvement of occupational health and safety standards
Zero fatal accidents among the company’s employees and employees of subcontractors operating at construction sites. number of fatal accidents 0 X


Lowering the value of the accident frequency index among Budimex Group’s employees. level of accident frequency among Budimex Group’s employees <100% of the last level’s index value X


Lowering the value of the accident severity index among Budimex Group’s employees. level of accident frequency among Budimex Group’s employees <100% of the last level’s index value X

  • In 2019, there were 2 fatal accidents in which 3 employees of Budimex Group died (collective accident on the Suwałki bypass and fatal accident on the German market). In addition, one fatal accident took place in 2019 at the subcontractor in which 1 person died,
  • the frequency indicator of accidents increased slightly, i.e. its value increased from 14.18 in 2018 to 14.98 in 2019 (106% of the previous year’s values),
  • due to fatal accidents among employees, the severity index increased from 27.45 to 36.6, i.e. 133% of the previous year’s index.

At the same time, it is worth noting:

  • continuous training of the employees in OHS (increased number of trained persons and the total number of training hours).
  • care for workplace ergonomics (percentage of positions of white-collar workers that meet the accepted ergonomic criteria at the level of ≥80% vs. the previous year).
  • providing collective and personal protective equipment that meets the requirements of standards and ensuring the highest possible comfort of use (0 justified complaints in this respect).
  • improvement of the first aid system by equipping contracts with first aid equipment (>75% equipped sites with full staff of trained people)
  • ongoing audits of subcontractors with regard to OHS (100% of audited contracts for OHS per month)
  • building an organisational culture, the key element of which will be safety at work (compared to the previous edition of the survey, there was an increase in positive answers to the question “The company takes seriously health and safety issues” from the assessment of workplace environment)
Area 2: Reduction of the environmental impact
Effective use of energy and reduction of associated emission. Toe/1 million sales revenue 2,85 X


Optimum use of raw materials and materials and minimisation of generated waste. %/1 million sales revenue 8% X


Control of environmental risks and environmental damage and emergency prevention number of emergencies 0 X

(leakage to the ground of petroleum-derived substances during the disassembly of sewage systems)


  • The effective use of energy and reduction of emissions (Toe/1 million sales revenue – 2.80)
  • Optimum use of raw materials and materials and minimisation of generated waste (% 1 million sales revenue)

Control of environmental risks (number of failures < 1/1 million revenue – 0)

Area 3: being a neighbour, guest and partner for local communities
Zero environment-related conflicts which might have resulted in the cessation of works number of environment-related conflicts which might result in the cessation of works 0 V
Area 4: being a neighbour, guest and partner for local communities
Zero unverified cases of potential unethical conduct number of unverified cases of potential unethical conduct 0 V

  • 100% of the analysed requests submitted by the employees of subcontractors
  • In 2019, 6 notifications regarding non-compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and / or Compliance Policy at Budimex SA were recognized, of which 3 related to employee issues, 2 potential mismanagement, 1 violation of procedures.
Area 5: Building unique competencies and friendly workplace atmosphere
Maximising the value of the personnel satisfaction index satisfaction index value <100% of the last testing value

Currently, it is difficult to compare the results of the engagement survey in the indicated categories with respect to the previous survey carried out in 2018: the latest results have been prepared on the basis of a different set of questions.

Area 6: Top quality assurance
Maximisation of the Quality Conformance (QC) index value of the Quality Conformance (QC) index ≥100% of the last period’s value V

The QC value for 2019 was 94.6% compared to 94.3% for 2018.

Area 7: Support of the culture of innovation
Increase in innovativeness Results of the “Workplace Atmosphere Survey” – question: “The company encourages me to look for innovative forms of work” ≥100% of the last period’s value V
Area 8: provision of surveillance mechanisms for social and environmental results of activities.
Provision of reliable financial and non-financial reporting social reporting V V