Number of the indicator | Indicator name | Comments/place in the report |
General standard disclosures | ||
Organisational profile | ||
GRI 102-1 | Organisation name | |
GRI 102-2 | Primary brands, products and/or services | |
GRI 102-3 | Location of the organisation’s main seat | |
GRI 102-4 | Number of countries in which the organization operates and names of these countries | |
GRI 102-5 | Ownership form and legal structure of the organisation | |
GRI 102-6 | Markets supported | |
GRI 102-7 | Scale of activity | |
GRI 102-8 | Information on employees | |
GRI 102-9 | Value chain | |
GRI 102-10 | Significant changes in the organization and its supply chain | |
GRI 102-11 | Precautionary principle | |
GRI 102-12 | External initiatives adopted by the organisation | |
GRI 102-13 | Membership in associations | |
Strategy | ||
GRI 102-14 | Statement of top management | |
Ethics and honesty | ||
GRI 102-16 | Values, principles, standards and norms of conduct in the organisation | |
GRI 102-17 | Internal and external mechanisms for obtaining advice on ethical, legal and integrity-related conduct | |
Management | ||
GRI 102-18 | Supervisory structure of the organisation together with committees subordinated to the highest supervisory body | |
GRI 102-22 | Number and sex of members of the Supreme Supervisory/Management Board and its committees | |
GRI 102-23 | Chair of the highest governance body | |
GRI 102-26 | Role of the highest management body in defining objectives, values and development strategies of the organisation | |
Stakeholder engagement | ||
GRI 102-40 | List of stakeholder groups in the organisation | |
GRI 102-41 | Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements | |
GRI 102-42 | Identification and selection of stakeholders engaged by the organisation | |
GRI 102-43 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | |
GRI 102-44 | Key issues and problems raised by stakeholders | |
Information about the report | ||
GRI 102-45 | List of entities covered by the consolidated financial statements | |
GRI 102-46 | Process for defining the report content | |
GRI 102-47 | Significant aspects identified in the process of defining the content of the report | |
GRI 102-48 | Adjustments to the previous report and reasons for adjustments | |
GRI 102-49 | Significant changes compared to the previous report | |
GRI 102-50 | Reporting period | |
GRI 102-51 | Date of publication of the last report | |
GRI 102-52 | Reporting cycle | |
GRI 102-53 | Contact on the report | |
GRI 102-54 | Statement on reporting according to GRI Standards | |
GRI 102-55 | GRI Index | |
GRI 102-56 | External verification | |
Specific disclosures on material topics | ||
Economic aspects | ||
Market presence | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 202-1 | Ratio of remuneration of the lowest level employees by gender to the minimum wage in the relevant market in the main business locations | |
Indirect economic impact | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 203-1 | Development and impact of investments in infrastructure and services | |
Prevention of corruption | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 205-1 | Total number and percentage of business units analysed for corruption risk and main identified risks | |
GRI 205-2 | Percentage of employees trained within the scope of the organisation's anti-corruption policies and procedures | |
GRI 205-3 | Confirmed cases of corruption and actions taken | |
Anti-competition behaviour | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 206-1 | Legal steps taken against the organisation due to violations of the principles of free competition and monopolistic practices | |
Environmental aspects | ||
Finished and raw materials | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 301-1 | Materials/raw materials used by weight or volume | |
GRI 301-2 | Processed starting materials used | |
Energy | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 302-1 | Energy consumption (electricity, heat, cooling, steam) inside the organisation - from renewable and non-renewable sources | |
GRI 302-3 | Intensity of energy consumption | |
Water and sewage | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 303-3 | Water withdrawal | |
Biodiversity | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 304-1 | Establishments owned, rented, managed or adjacent to protected areas or areas of high biodiversity value located outside protected areas | |
GRI 304-2 | Description of a significant impact of activities, products, and services on biodiversity of protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside the protected areas | |
GRI 304-3 | Habitats protected or restored | |
Emissions | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 305-1 | Direct greenhouse gas emissions (from sources owned or controlled by the reporting organisation) | |
GRI 305-2 | Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (resulting from the generation of electricity, heat, cooling and steam consumed by the organisation) | |
GRI 305-4 | Greenhouse gas intensity | |
Waste | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 306-3 | Manufactured waste | |
Compliance with environmental regulations | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 307-1 | The amount of significant fines and total number of non-financial sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | |
Environmental assessment of suppliers | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 308-1 | Percentage of new suppliers who were assessed with regard to fulfilling environmental criteria | |
GRI 308-2 | Significant actual and potentially negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken | |
Social aspects | ||
Employment | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 401-1 | Total number and employment rates of new employees and employee turnover by age group, sex and region | |
GRI 401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees which are not entitled to temporary or part-time employees, broken down into main business locations (e.g. insurance, health care, etc.) | |
GRI 401-3 | Return to work and retention rates after maternity/paternity leave broken down by gender | |
OHS | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 403-1 | Occupational health and safety management system | |
GRI 403-2 | Hazard identification, risk assessment and accident investigation. | |
GRI 403-3 | Occupational health services | |
GRI 403-4 | Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety | |
GRI 403-5 | Training for employees regarding occupational health and safety | |
GRI 403-6 | Promotion of worker health | |
GRI 403-7 | Preventing and mitigating effects on health and safety at work | |
GRI 403-8 | Employees covered by occupational health and safety management systems | |
GRI 403-9 | Work-related injuries | |
GRI 403-10 | Work-related health problems | |
Training and education | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 404-1 | Average number of training hours per year per employee broken down by sex and category of employees | |
GRI 404-2 | Managerial skills development and continuing education programmes that support the continuity of employment of employees and facilitate management of the end of career | |
Diversity and equal opportunities | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 405-1 | Composition of governance bodies and staff divided into categories according to gender, age, minority, and other diversity indicators | |
GRI 405-2 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women and men broken down by employee categories and main business locations | |
Non-discrimination | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 406-1 | Total number of cases of discrimination (incidents of a discriminatory nature) and corrective actions taken | |
Human rights | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 411-1 | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples | |
GRI 412-3 | Total number and percentage of important investment agreements that include human rights provisions or that have been checked for compliance with human rights | |
Local communities | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 413-1 | Percentage of sites with implemented community engagement programmes, impact assessments and development programmes (social impact assessments, local community development, consultations, stakeholder engagement) | |
GRI 413-2 | Actions with significant real and potentially negative impacts on local communities | |
Social assessment of the supplier | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 414-1 | New suppliers who have been checked to meet social criteria | |
GRI 414-2 | Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken | |
Client health and safety | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 416-1 | Impact of products and services on client health and safety | |
GRI 416-2 | Cases of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impact of products and services | |
Prevention of non-compliance in products and services | ||
GRI 103-1 | Explanation of topics identified as significant with indication of limitations | |
GRI 103-2 | Management approach and its elements | |
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 417-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling | |
GRI 419-1 | The amount of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations | |
Sector Supplement | ||
GRI CRE6 | Percentage of the organisation operating in compliance with international OHS management systems (e.g. ISO 18000) | |
GRI CRE8 | Sustainability certification for new constructions, operation of existing constructions and dismantling of demolished constructions |