The issues related to responsible management of the environment in Budimex are regulated by the “Principles of the Company's Responsibility Policy”, which include a commitment to reduce the impact of the environment (and climate), effectively manage natural resources and promote environmental responsibility in the supply chain; The company is also guided by the “Principles of the Environmental Protection Policy” which refer to the creation of added value in a sustainable manner.

“The Principles of the Environmental Protection Policy” oblige the Budimex Group companies to:

comply with national, local and industry environmental standards

and openness in cooperation with administrative bodies in this area

prevent pollutant emissions,

including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

cooperate with stakeholders to protect and improve the condition of the environment,

e.g. in the form of exchange of experiences

conduct training and information campaigns concerning environmental protection

among employees and suppliers

use natural resources in more efficient way,

for example through reduced water demand, reduced waste volume and use of recycled materials

take actions to preserve valuable natural areas

and minimise the impact of the activities conducted by the Group on such areas.

In 2018 the Budimex Group started the implementation of the Environmental Strategy, addressed to employees, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. It contains 4 rules of conduct and 11 environmental aspects with defined basic standards. In 2019 the verification process was implemented for the performance of the strategy through internal audits of the Construction Site Assessment System (SOB). 65 SOB audits were carried out in 2020, which did not reveal any major irregularities.

Actions and measurable objectives to be achieved in environmental protection were an important element of the CSR Strategy for 2016-2020.

The "Reduction of the environmental impact" area was divided into three objectives:

Reducing the negative impact on the environment and climate is also one of the pillars of the „CSR Strategy for 2021-2023”.