Integrated report 2021
Letter from the President
2021 was a period of intensive development of the Budimex Group and preparation for geographical expansion, as well as diversification of our business activities. We believe that by focusing our resources and experience on selected business areas we will be able to continue our strategic development with due diligence in all ESG areas.
President of the Management Board of Budimex SA
Artur Popko

Budimex in numbers
Despite difficult market conditions caused by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and rising prices of key materials, the Budimex Group recorded an increase in gross profit under continuing operations (i.e. construction and services) from PLN 427 million in 2020 to PLN 554 million in 2021, while profitability improved from 5.5% to 7.0%.

About Company
The Budimex Group operates in many segments of the construction market and the structure of its income from these activities is diversified.
The supreme mission of the Budimex Group is to execute construction investments in line with the principles of sustainable development. Special care in ethical conduct, occupational health and safety, optimisation of environmental impact and ensuring customer satisfaction and quality of delivered services are achieved through professionalism resulting from experience and passion for construction.

Sustainable development
Nadrzędną misją Grupy Budimex jest realizowanie inwestycji budowlanych w myśl zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także zwiększenie pozytywnego wpływu na społeczeństwo i środowisko naturalne oraz ograniczenie wpływu negatywnego.
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About the report
This publication is another integrated annual report which presents the entire financial, social and environmental performance of the Budimex Group.