Raw materials

The raw materials and resources most commonly used in the course of the works carried out by the Budimex Group include: modified and ordinary road asphalt, cement, concrete, steel, hydraulic binders, lime meal, aggregates: asphalt (including sand and gravel), construction aggregates (sand, gravel), road aggregates (sand, gravel and others), hydrotechnical stone and railway ballast. Of these materials, slag, rock cuttings, cement, crushed aggregate for bituminous mass, crushed aggregate mixes, concrete, steel, wood are potentially recyclable. Efficient (environmentally and economically) management of the demand for materials and raw materials and their recycling is made possible by the VE (value engineering) monitoring system.

Raw materials and resources*

Budimex SA
Unit20202021y/y change
Hydraulic aggregatesMg183,040128,830-29.6%
Railway ballastMg425,350262,200-38.4%
Railway tracksMg9,5297,138-25.1%
Concrete railway sleepersunits17,63690,538413.4%
Wooden railway sleepersunits8,0163,595-55.2%
Wooden subframesm31,280264-20.6%
Coarse aggregate (grit)Mg635,864.3678,8286.8%
Fine aggregateMg175,549.8171,817-2.1%
Continuous aggregate (other aggregates)Mg49,773.399,828.9100.6%
Limestone flour (fillers)Mg19,816.620,034.31.1%
Coal dust for WMB CN27021000Mg11,221.911,7845%

*Reference data on aggregate consumption is taken from a selected operating unit as a representative example.

Mostostal Kraków SA
Steel (Sheet)Mg3,453
Steel (Profiles)Mg7,360.7

Waste generated during construction is mainly from demolition and renovation work, and the total amount depends on the number of contracts and their stage of advancement. Waste management on construction sites is regulated in the “Waste Management Plan” included in the Health and Safety Plan.

If hazardous waste is to be generated during the works, the contractor is obliged to include this issue in the “Manual for the Safe Execution of Works”, and to respond to emergency situations and environmental incidents. Proper management of waste on construction sites, including the monitoring of possible residues of hazardous substances, is carried out on an ongoing basis by laboratories located on the project site.

Different types of waste are generated at each stage of construction. Brick and concrete rubble is generated at the initial stage of demolition of facilities at the site where the new development will be built, and old asphalt, track ballast – after the removal of the road and tracks. The most frequently generated waste is soil and rubble, stones and waste from renovation and dismantling of buildings and road infrastructure. Many of them can be reused at subsequent stages of the works. Removed soil is a valuable raw material for use in finishing works. The removed soil is a valuable raw material for use in finishing works. Shrubs and branches from logging, which is often unavoidable, can be used as biomass fuel or garden material after being ground into small pieces (chipping).

Waste generated at construction sites is increasingly being put to economic use (e.g. crushed concrete from demolition, which can be used as aggregate, asphalt pulp removed – asphalt rubble). In construction and demolition work. In the course of construction and demolition work, the following materials can be separated: metal, wood, glass, rubble, soil and earth or ballast.

Budimex Group
Unit20202021y/y change
Non-hazardous wasteMg5,951,766.612,903,193.55-51.2%
Hazardous wasteMg1,534.852,841.1285.1%

A subsidiary of the Budimex Group, FBSerwis, conducts activities one of the key areas of which is waste management. Below is a detailed breakdown of waste management in FBSerwis.

FBSerwis SA
Unitprocessed on the premisesprocessed off-sitetotal
Waste collected and sent for recycling
Hazardous wasteMg07.837.83
Preparation for re-useMg000
Other forms of recoveryMg07.837.83
Non-hazardous wasteMg6.34241,652.1241,658.44
Preparation for re-useMg000
Other forms of recoveryMg0177,966.29177,966.29
Total waste collected and sent for recyclingMg6.34241,659.93241,666.27
Waste collected and sent for disposal
Hazardous wasteMg00.680.68
Combustion (with energy recovery)Mg000
Combustion (without energy recovery)Mg000
Storage at landfillsMg00.680.68
Other waste management optionsMg000
Non-hazardous wasteMg58,880.42120,008.78178,889.2
Combustion (with energy recovery)Mg027,137.727,137.7
Combustion (without energy recovery)Mg059,229.459,229.4
Storage at landfillsMg58,880.4233,641.6892,522.1
Other waste management optionsMg000
Total waste collected and sent for disposalMg027,137.727,137.7
Total hazardous wasteMg08.518.51
Total non-hazardous wasteMg58,886.76361,660.88420,547.64
Total wasteMg58,886.76361,669.39420,556.15

About the report

This publication is another integrated annual report which presents the entire financial, social and environmental performance of the Budimex Group.

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