Managing the environmental area
The CSR Strategy 2021-2023 is the document that sets the right track for the changes taking place in the management of the environmental area. The Management Board of the Budimex Group has direct supervision over the implementation of the Strategy’s objectives. Full information on the assumptions of the Strategy can be found in chapter Strategy of the Budimex Group.
Responsibility for the implementation of operational activities in the environmental area lies with the Purchasing, Quality and Environment Office.
The overarching documents regulating the management of climate and environmental impact in the Budimex Group are the “Principles of Company Responsibility Policy”, supported by the “Principles of Environmental Policy”. The aforementioned documents contain obligations and principles supporting reduction of the environmental impact, effective management of natural resources and promotion of environmental responsibility in the supply chain.
The Budimex Group is aware of the impact that its activities may have on the environment and climate. The environmental impact of the Group may have the following dimensions:
A large part of the environmental impact of construction is generated by subcontractors, which is why it is so important for the Budimex Group to maintain good relations and effective cooperation with subcontractors, suppliers and business partners. The joint action translates into measurable effects regarding the environmental impact generated along the entire value chain. All subcontractors working with Budimex are pre-qualified in terms of respecting the principles of environmental protection. It is extremely important that they follow the procedures, have relevant experience and fully operational equipment.
In addition, all subcontractors brought onto the site receive appropriate training in the applicable environmental procedures, including emergency procedures. The equipment they use is also assessed for its technical performance.
Environmental Policy Principles:
compliance with national, local and sectoral environmental standards
and openness in cooperation with administrative bodies in this field
environmental training and information activities,
aimed at employees and suppliers
prevention of pollution emissions,
including reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
efficient use of natural resources,
e.g. through reduced water demand, reduced waste volumes and the use of recycled materials
cooperation with stakeholders to protect and improve the environment,
including through the exchange of experience
taking action to preserve valuable natural areas
and minimising the impact of the Group's activities on them
“Budimex Environmental Protection Standards” regulate principles of proper protection of water, soil, air and biodiversity during the execution of construction works and auxiliary processes. Environmental procedures on construction sites are created̨ as part of uniform internal procedures: “Environmental Management on Contracts” and “Organisation and Management of Health, Safety and EIA on Contract”.
Budimex Group’s environmental standards go beyond legal obligations and concern:
- routing of technological roads in such a way as to ensure econimcal use of land minimal transformation of its surface,
- restoring the site to its pre-construction condition,
- minimising tree felling, relocating plants and carry out compensatory planting,
- protecting trees in the construction impact zone from mechanical damage,
- preparation of construction backup facilities (warehouses, depots, transport bases): they are preferably located in already developed and transformed areas, as far as possible away from residential buildings and environmentally valuable areas,
- limit land take in forest and wetland areas to the minimum necessary,
- transport of materials necessary for construction, which takes place primarily within the designated road lane,
- introducing solutions protecting against pollution with chemical substances from construction in the sections where earthworks and construction works are carried out near water reservoirs,
- paying particular attention to protecting the environment from contamination by oil products from construction vehicles and machinery,
- relocation of fauna and flora living in habitats colliding with the construction to new sites,
- monitoring of the construction site by natural scientists – e.g. ornithologists, ichthyologists, herpetologists, entomologists, botanists, chiropterologists depending on the specifics of the site and protected species present,
- stopping construction work if animals appear in the investment area,
- implementation of the schedule and work cycle in close correlation with the natural cycle,
- carrying out construction works in the vicinity of noise-protected areas only during daytime,
- management of materials and waste based on the 3R principle (reduce, reuse, recycle),
- reduction to a minimum of the idling time of combustion engines of construction machinery and vehicles,
- speed limits in and around the construction site,
- preparing construction sites for unforeseen emergency situations and providing them with the necessary equipment in case of an incident.