Development, promotion and training

The rules for the implementation of training are regulated internally. Individual training and development needs of employees are determined in the course of discussions between the employee and his/her superior which take place during development planning as part of the evaluation and goal-setting process, as well as during the implementation of additional development programmes. On their basis, the Development and Training Department plans training activities.

There are Operating Instructions in the Budimex Group, the scope of which regulates: training subjects, professional entitlements, co-financing of foreign language learning and post-graduate education.

Development activities follow a 70:20:10 model – 70% is development through practical tasks, 20% with support from others (e.g. supervisor, coaching, mentoring etc.) and 10% through training. In 2021, 100% of employees covered by appropriate procedures have received employee appraisals.

When talking about training activities, it should be noted́ that some of the trainers are company employees themselves (internal trainers). These are persons who deal with the issues being the subject of training on a daily basis. As a result, the educational offer is effectively tailored to the specifics of the company’s operations and directly addresses the development needs of employees. Additionally, it builds and promotes a culture of knowledge sharing at Budimex.

Development programmes in the Budimex Group

The most important development programmes include:

„Academy of the Young Engineer”, which is aimed at new employees in positions of trainee engineer and site engineer. Its objective is to efficiently introduce them to work in the organisation. The programme also standardises key competencies required from engineers and enables them to work more effectively in accordance with the rules binding in Budimex. It is implemented in three thematic blocks: personal effectiveness and safety on the construction site. In 2021, 86 people took part in the programme.
“Engineer’s Academy” is a series of trainings conducted by internal experts in a given field, implemented in the organisation for personnel working on contracts. Their participants can broaden and update their technical knowledge, as well as exchange good practices with other people taking part in them. Some of the topics are carried out in the classic form (in a training room), but there are also some that take place largely on the construction site. In 2021, 331 people took part in the Engineer Academy.
The “Contract Manager Academy” supports newly appointed contract managers and those preparing to be promoted to this position, in acquiring substantive competencies as well as practical skills related to contract management. It enables them to consolidate and expand their existing knowledge. The programme is divided into three stages: internal workshops to deepen substantive knowledge, external workshops focusing on the development of “soft” competencies and individual support for participants, depending on their needs.
An important part of the training activities undertaken are special programmes for dedicated groups of employees. One of such activities is “Building Success”, which supports professional development of women and increasing their number in managerial positions in the construction industry, as well as support in expanding leadership and “soft” competences. Women who qualify for the programme participate in a year-long series of workshops and meetings. Long breaks are planned between all meetings so that each participant can implement the knowledge gained during the training in their daily work.

Programmes aimed at developing leadership skills are extremely important:

“Super Leader” is a programme designed to develop leadership competencies among senior managers by developing skills in communicating strategy, developing subordinate teams and engaging employees to achieve common goals. It consists of three modules, each of which presents a different type of leadership style. Participants in “Super Leader” undergo a diagnosis of their leadership styles prior to the group sessions in order to receive feedback and developmental guidance. In subsequent steps, participants hone their skills during workshops, interspersed with coaching sessions and implementation tasks. Each of them also receives a set of materials to work on the development of a given leadership style. The second edition of the Super Leader programme had 82 participants.
“Managerial Stairway”, a path for the development of managerial skills from entry-level manager to top management, taking into account the level of position held, previous experience and the competencies necessary for effective management at each level of career. The programme consists of four stages which gradually broaden the participant’s existing knowledge.
“Manager’s Toolbox” is a series of obligatory training courses addressed to employees in the production area. Their participants develop skills in evaluating tasks and providing feedback, learn to plan employee development, practice speaking in front of a camera and conducting effective business meetings, as well as expand their knowledge of labour law. The training programme depends on the scope and type of duties of the participants and their position in the organisation’s structure.

The Budimex Group also implements programmes related to the development of interpersonal skills:

“Communication Path” is divided into several main stages (effective communication, business presentations, the art of persuasion and exerting influence, building authority, relationships within the organisation and with external customers, dealing with conflict and claims), which take into account the successive levels of advancement of the skills and knowledge acquired. Each stage contains several proposals of training topics, which gives the possibility of comprehensive development tailored to individual needs.
“Extended DISC Individual Analysis” is a study that allows us to get to know the natural potential, predispositions and talents of a person. It is based on self-reflection – the employee makes a self-assessment of how they behave in a given situation. The main areas analysed are behaviour and communication styles manifested in the professional sphere. After the assessment, the employee participates in a webinar, the purpose of which is to familiarise him or her with the Extended DISC model, provide characteristics of the four main styles and prepare for independent work with an individual report. Then, he or she has an opportunity to continue the development of social competences within the framework of training courses included in the “Communication Path” ”.
“Feedback Culture” is a project which aims to strengthen openness and trust in cooperation by promoting the idea of giving feedback in an organisation. It offers employees various forms of expanding their knowledge and skills, such as online workshops, trainings, webinars and examples of inspiring activities. Remote training in the area of giving feedback is divided into three stages: two workshop sessions of 3.5 hours and one – lasting 2 hours – behavioural training with an actor. In addition, so-called “knowledge pills” are used in the form of onepagers, leaflets and short educational videos posted on the intranet.
“Stay Strong” is mental strength and resilience training delivered through webinars with external experts. Its aim is to encourage employees to take care of their mental well-being and equip them with practical skills to build mental resilience in situations of increased stress (mainly related to the COVID-19 pandemic). As part of the meetings with experts, the topics discussed include ways to increase one’s vitality and mental well-being, methods of regenerating oneself in situations of overload and maintaining mental resilience, time management allowing to maintain work-life balance, e.g. during remote working.

New development and training projects in 2021

The “Grow Infinitely” Development Programme is a project dedicated to people with a high potential for development, in specialist and managerial positions. The main objective of the programme is to increase knowledge and skills, strengthen key competencies of the future in the field of emotional intelligence, decision-making and strategic aspects of management in employees dedicated to participate in the programme. Development activities were preceded by structured interviews with representatives of the programme participants and a sampling session with directors of individual business units. The sessions were designed on the basis based on the specific needs of the organisation, explored in the interviews and sampling sessions. They were equipped with inspiring exercises and practical tools to support the key competencies of the future. In 2021, 109 people took part in the project.
The Podcast Cycle is a project addressed to people who prefer gaining knowledge with the help of tools in audio form. Podcasts are becoming an increasingly popular form of communication, therefore, Budimex SA has met the needs of employees and provided them with a modern form of development through the YouTube platform. Educational and development activities dedicated to employees and managers have been divided into two main cycles: Anatomy of Change and Self-discipline. The podcasts are hosted by Sebastian Kotów – a management psychologist, entrepreneur, experienced manager, who actively works with business leaders, supporting organisational changes, development of leaders’ competences or processes of building and implementing strategies.
Webinars for Parents – within the scope of activities supporting Wellbeing, we organised a series of Webinars for Parents conducted by the Working Mum Foundation. The topics covered in the series included the functioning of working.
Career Compass is a project containing a description of career paths, prepared by representatives of each business division and an external consultant. The proposed solution is tailored to the needs of Budimex and complies with market solutions. It shows what career development opportunities the organisation can offer to employees, both in terms of vertical and horizontal promotions.
Survey of commitment

As a result of the Commitment Survey conducted in the Budimex Group, the following training programmes were implemented:

  1. Implementation of the 360 assessment platform
  2. Implementation of pilot projects Migrate – I learn
  3. Implementation of the Mentoring Project

Average number of training hours in 2021

Budimex Group
Senior management31.638.337.2
Managers and supervisors6.811.510.1
Other employees29.715.817.8
All employees16.514.915.2
Expenditure on training in the given period (thousand PLN)999.62,593.13,592.7

About the report

This publication is another integrated annual report which presents the entire financial, social and environmental performance of the Budimex Group.

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