The Budimex Group is guided in its activities by the principles of sustainable development, taking into account the needs of local communities and the natural environment. The aim of the “Budimex CSR Strategy for 2021-2023” is to increase the company’s positive impact on society and the natural environment and to reduce the negative impact, in accordance with the adopted definitions of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

The “CSR Strategy of Budimex for 2021-2023” has been developed by dividing it into 6 key areas of responsibility

We ensure the highest standards
of occupational health and safety.

We focus on the highest quality
and innovation

We reduce negative impact
on the environment and the climate.

We counter

We care about employee development
and job satisfaction.

We engage in dialogue
and support local communities.

Throughout 2021, we have contributed to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Realisation of the objectives of the CSR Strategy for 2021
AreaAimMeasureOutcome in 2021 (Budimex Group)
Occupational health and safetyThe elimination of fatal accidents and reduction of the severity and frequency of accidents among the company’s employees and subcontractorsAccident frequency rate16.2 (decrease by 11.9% from 18.4 in 2020)
Number of fatal accidents0
Environmental protectionReducing greenhouse gas emissionsShare of electricity from renewable energy sources29.69%
Minimising water consumptionm3 of water per PLN million of revenue18.4
Employee developmentCombating all forms of discrimination based on gender Percentage of women in managerial positions29.83%
Providing students with access to practical knowledgeThe measure of realization is the constantly enriched training offer of the Budimex Group
Quality and innovationIncreasing the innovative potential of the company through cooperation with startupsImplementation is measured by the continued commitment to innovative projects.
Maintaining a high quality of constructionQuality Conformance Indicators94.9% (pass mark above Maintaining a high quality of construction 94%)

About the report

This publication is another integrated annual report which presents the entire financial, social and environmental performance of the Budimex Group.

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