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The raw materials and materials most frequently used during the works conducted by the Budimex Group include plain and modified road asphalt, cement, concrete, steel, hydraulic binders, lime dust, asphalt aggregate (including sand and grit), construction aggregate (sand, gravel), road aggregate (sand, grit, etc.), hydro-technical stone and railway breakstone. The following materials are potentially re-processed: slag, rock winning, cement, crushed-stone aggregate for a bituminous mass, crushed-stone aggregate mixes, concrete, steel, wood. Effective (in terms of environmental protection and economy) management of demand for materials and raw materials and their recycling is possible through the VE (value engineering) monitoring system.

In order to optimise the transport of materials and thus minimise carbon footprint of the entire project, the Group has a network of its own bituminous mass factories, which, if necessary, may be relocated within five-six weeks.
More detailed information on the consumption of raw materials and materials can be found HERE .