As of 31 December 2020, the Management Board of Budimex S.A. included:
- Dariusz Jacek Blocher, President of the Management Board, General Manager,
- Artur Popko, Vice-President of the Management Board, Chief Operating Officer,
- Cezary Mączka, Member of the Management Board, Chief HR Officer,
- Jacek Daniewski, Member of the Management Board, Chief Legal and Organisational Officer,
- Marcin Węgłowski, Member of the Management Board, Director for Financial and Economic Affairs.
In 2020, the composition of the Management Board remained unchanged.
In 2020, no significant changes regarding powers of attorney granted by the Management Board took place.
Composition of the Supervisory Board and its committees
As at 31 December 2020, the Supervisory Board of Budimex S.A. was composed of:
- Marek Michałowski, Chairman of the Board,
- Juan Ignacio Gaston Najarro, Vice-Chairman of the Board,
- Igor Adam Chalupec, Secretary of the Board,
- Danuta Dąbrowska, Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska, Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Janusz Dedo, Member of the Board,
- Javier Galindo Hernandez, Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Jose Carlos Garrido-Lestache Rodríguez, Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Artur Kucharski, Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Fernando Luis Pascual Larragoiti, Member of the Supervisory Board.
In 2020, the following changes occurred in the composition of the Supervisory Board:
- as of 18 June 2020, Marzenna Anna Weresa resigned from the position in the Supervisory Board,
- on 18 June 2020, the Ordinary General Meeting appointed Artur Kucharski to the Supervisory Board.
Composition of the Audit Committee as at 31 December 2020 was as follows:
- Danuta Dąbrowska – Chairwoman,
- Javier Galindo Hernandez – Member,
- Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska – Member.
The composition of the Audit Committee in 2020 did not change.
As far as the independence of the members of the Audit Committee criteria are met, the provisions of Article 129 (3) of the Act of 11 May 2017 on statutory auditors, audit firms and public supervision, as well as the criteria of independence of the members of the Board within the meaning of BeGood Practices of Companies Quoted at the Warsaw Stock Exchange 2016 (rule II.Z.4. Section II, Management Board and the Supervisory Board of “Best Practice of Companies listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange 2016”).
The independence status of a member of the Supervisory Board is determined by the company in accordance with the criteria determined in Operating Instruction no. IO-01-07-02 on obtaining information from Supervisory Board members and publishing them on the basis of declarations submitted by members of the Board and on the basis of Article 129 (3) of the Act of 11 May 2017 on statutory auditors, audit firms and public supervision.
Composition of the Investment Committee as at 31 December 2020 was as follows:
- Janusz Dedo – Chairman,
- Javier Galindo Hernandez – Member,
- Fernando Luis Pascual Larragoiti – Member.
The composition of the Investment Committee in 2020 did not change.
Composition of the Remuneration Committee as at 31 December 2020 was as follows:
- Marek Michałowski – Chairman,
- Igor Chalupec – Member,
- Juan Ignacio Gaston Najarro – Member.
The composition of the Remuneration Committee did not change during 2020.