Budimex attaches great importance to cooperation with local communities, supporting them, and limiting the negative impact on the inhabitants of areas where the company operates.
The management of the Budimex Group’s social area is defined in the Principles of the Company's Responsibility Policy. This document includes, but is not limited to, provisions directly or indirectly related to social impact, imposing ethical and responsible conduct on all activities, transparency and application of best corporate governance practices, as well as contributing to socio-economic development.
Construction of road and railway infrastructure in the long term is one of the conditions for the social and economic development of the country and, as a result, improves the quality of life of a given community. However, at the stage of works, it involves specific nuisances, especially for inhabitants of areas adjacent to the construction site (e.g. increased traffic and noise resulting from the transport of construction materials or machine operation). Each potential aspect of the environmental impact of the project is already analysed at the stage of issuing administrative decisions and inhabitants’ representatives take part in public consultation. The Budimex Group conducts also non-obligatory, additional public consultation in the course of designing e.g. bypass routes, road closures. It provides inhabitants with feedback channels through a contact form available on www.budimex.pl and corporate social media profiles. In this way, on the one hand, it reduces the risk of phenomena that may negatively affect the neighbours of the implemented undertakings, and on the other hand it leads to delays and downtimes in projects, which result from protests of residents, blocking the works by them or extending administrative procedures.
Unfortunately, eliminating all obstacles and threats is not fully possible, which is why the Budimex Group tries to compensate local communities for the nuisance caused by its activity. It organises educational campaigns for children related to road traffic safety, first aid, and finances the purchase of equipment for fire brigades, hospitals, etc. It also helps residents to perform minor works, e.g. renovation of playgrounds.
The Budimex Group also runs:
social programmes
supports important cultural and sporting events
takes part in a number of initiatives
The documents that regulate this area of its activity are the “Acceptance Instructions for Sponsorship Projects, Patronage and Donations” and the “Cooperation Policy with Local Communities”. The document indicates specific actions to be taken both before the commencement of construction works (the emphasis is on conducting a dialogue with the local community on a given project in order to address its potential concerns) and during the term of the contract (construction of relations with the social environment of the project).
The aspects related to the social impact specific to the activities of the Budimex Group are defined in more detail in the CSR Strategy for 2016-2020 and in the CSR Strategy for 2021-2023 effective from 1 January 2021.