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The companies of the Budimex Group have a common procedure that regulates all key aspects of HR management, such as recruitment, rules on employment, remuneration and employee benefits, employee relocation, rules of periodic assessment, rules of development and training, ethical issues, anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination measures.
This allows us to limit the risk to which the Budimex Group is exposed, and which results from the lack of appropriately qualified employees. Risk understood as both limited possibilities of recruiting properly qualified people and quitting employees and the related loss of competence by the Group.
The Budimex Group strives to acquire employees with the greatest potential and encourage them to establish a long-term relationship with the organisation and to develop within it. This approach allows us to build competence and protect the company against its loss. This is why internal recruitment is preferred, holding out the prospect for long-term growth of their career. At the same time, in order to increase the pool of candidates, the company runs the “I know, I recommend” programme aimed at increasing the effectiveness of recruiting new employees by recommending candidates by already employed people who receive a cash award in the event of recruiting a person indicated by it. Its amount depends on the type of job for which the referred candidate is to be hired. Moreover, the company organises the first programme of external recommendations in the construction industry entitled “I recommend Budimex”, which will enable people from outside the company to gain an opportunity to recommend employees.
Wdrożenie nowych pracowników rozpoczyna się od uczestnictwa w szkolenia „Witaj w Grupie”. W pierwszym dniu pracy pracownicy otrzymują przewodnik po organizacji, w którym mogą znaleźć najważniejsze informacje, odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane przez nowo zatrudnionych pytania oraz inne cenne wskazówki, ułatwiające start kariery w Grupie. W 2020 roku wszystkie moduły szkolenia zostały dostosowane do formy on-line i zaplanowane na kilka dni. Z myślą o świeżo upieczonych członkach organizacji uruchomiono także wewnętrznego chat bota, który pełnił funkcję wirtualnego asystenta, odpowiadając na ich pytania związane z kwestiami pracowniczymi i kadrowo-płacowymi.
The introduction of new employees starts with participation in the "Welcome to the Group" training. On the first working day, employees are provided with an organizational guide where they can find the most important information, answers to the most frequently asked questions and other valuable tips to facilitate career start within the Group. In 2020 all traditional training modules were adjusted to the online form and planned over a few days. For fresh members of the organisation, an internal chat bot was also launched, which served as a virtual assistant that answered their questions related to staff and payroll issues.
Employees are subject to periodic assessment with regard to the implementation status of individual tasks and the style of work consisting of competences forming the Competence Model. The obtained results are used to determine the effectiveness of their work, development needs and identification of people with high potential who may be promoted in the future. The Budimex Group defines overall development and training needs based on its strategy, results of periodic employee evaluation, results of the “Management Staff Review” and reports submitted by business units.
The Budimex Group, in order to encourage the most talented graduates to work in its structures, offers them both attractive benefits and enables their personal development. Experts employed in the company within the “Budimex Academy” programme meet students of technical universities and share their unique know-how. In 2020 we provided knowledge online through special webinars, interviews and meetings with employees, technical training and soft skills training. In Budimex, nearly 300 students of various specialisations practise paid internships every year, who, in addition to gaining valuable experience, also have provided medical care and participation in additional training. Students interested in development in railway construction can obtain an annual scholarship.

We know that the atmosphere at work has a significant impact on the daily experience of employees and their motivation. Therefore, regular commitment surveys are conducted in the Budimex Group in the form of anonymous surveys. Their results make it possible to get to know employees' opinions, identify areas for improvement and implement improvements in the organisation.