When developing long-term relationships with stakeholders, Budimex follows corporate values: responsibility, ethics, cooperation and ambition. The CSR Committee appointed by the Group watches over the assurance that communication with key target groups is kept in a transparent form, in accordance with the open dialogue principles. The map of stakeholders affecting the Budimex Group and those affected by it is created by:
- employees and social partners (potential, present and former employees, trade unions, employees of subcontractors and suppliers, students, National Labour Inspectorate and other supervisory institutions),
- investors (the strategic investor, institutional investors, individual investors, Warsaw Stock Exchange, brokerage houses, banks),
- customers (institutional and individual, GDDKiA, business partners, key suppliers, subcontractors, local and government administration),
- society (local communities within the investment area, residents and community leaders, universities and academics/students, technical and professional organisations);
- natural environment (environmental organisations, environmental supervision inspectors, State Forests).
- media, public opinion.
Dialogue with stakeholders is the responsibility of the Communication Department and the CSR Committee, which constantly analyses and updates external and internal factors that may affect its course, as well as the relevance of individual areas of the organisation's responsibility. The Group applies the principle of decentralised dialogue, which means that direct relations with stakeholders prevail. Communication with them takes place both in the form of activities required by law, i.e., for example, by publishing information in current and periodic reports, as well as numerous additional activities. The Communication Department, the Spokesperson and the Strategic Analysis Office are responsible for dialogue with external environment.