Integrated report 2020
Non-financial data tables
Dane interaktywne
Letter from the President
About Budimex Group
About the Group
Market activity
Mission and strategy
Value creation model
Budimex in numbers
Membership in organisations
Awards and distinctions received in 2020
Supply chain
Market environment and growth perspectives
The CSR strategy for 2021-2023
Road construction
Railway construction
Hydraulic engineering
Power plant construction
Housing construction
Public-Private Partnership
Budimex Group in 2020
Results achieved in 2020
Sales structure
Contracts of Most Significance
Summary of the completion of CSR strategy objectives for 2016-2020
Financial situation of Budimex Group
Characteristics of the basic economic and financial values of the Budimex Group
Consolidated profit and loss account
Consolidated statement of cash flow
Finance management at Budimex Group
Contribution to infrastructure development
Significant investments made in 2020
R&D projects
Environmental management
Environmental risk management
Environmental protection standards
Impact on the local environment and biodiversity
Nature conservation in the supply chain
Reasonable use of resources and environmental protection
Climate change, fuel and energy consumption
Finished and raw materials
Waste management
Society and workers
Conditions, occupational health and safety (OHS)
OHS training and prevention
Working environment and concentration on growth
Social package
Development and training
Diversity management
Social activities and relationships with communities
Parent Zone. Budimex for Children
Hello ICE
Grant for Volunteering
Charity and sponsorship activities
Respect for human rights
Management culture
Management governance
Sustainability management
Risk management system
Risk factors
Risk management in the supply chain
Ethics and compliance
Ethical integrity
Compliance management
Whistleblowing system
Quality management
About the report
Information about the report
Importance of issues in the report
Budimex Group in 2020
Results achieved in 2020
Results achieved in 2020
Results achieved in 2020
Sales structure
Contracts of Most Significance
Summary of the completion of CSR strategy objectives for 2016-2020
Financial situation of Budimex Group
Characteristics of the basic economic and financial values of the Budimex Group
Consolidated profit and loss account
Consolidated statement of cash flow
Finance management at Budimex Group
Contribution to infrastructure development
Significant investments made in 2020
R&D projects