Employment structure

Budimex Group employees

Employment in the whole Budimex Group as at 31.12.2021 amounted to 6939 persons employed under a definite and indefinite term employment contract and was thus lower by 5.1% than in the previous year.

The structure of employment in 2021 and changes from previous years are presented in the table below. Expanded data on the employment structure as at 31 December 2021 can be found in the Attachment.

Employees with open-ended and fixed-term contracts

20202021y/y change
polish market1,5244,8776,4011,4444,5806,024-5.6%-6.8%-6.5%
fixed-term employees3711,4811,8523141,1751,489-15.9%-21.9%-20.7%
employed for an indefinite period1,1533,3964,5491,1303,4054,535-2.3%-0.2%-0.7%
employed full-time1,4944,8436,3371,4144,5455,959-5.6%-6.8%-6.5%
employed part-time303464303565-3.3%-2.9%-3.1%
aged 51 and over951,0161,111929821,074-5.3%-4.3%-4.4%
31-50 years old9663,0624,0288522,7573,609-12.1%-10.7%-11%
under 30 years of age4637991,2625008411,3418%5%6.1%
german market18718724911915300%4.6%4.9%
fixed-term employees08458451885886-4.7%4.9%
employed for an indefinite period1262732629200%0%7.4%
employed full-time18718724911915300%4.6%4.9%
employed part-time000000---
aged 51 and over12882893294297200%2.1%2.8%
31-50 years old04914911487488--0.8%-0.6%
under30 years of age092920130130-41.3%41.3%

Reception of new employees

Number of peopleBudimex Group
20202021y/y change
polish market2448481,0923461,1091,45541.8%30.8%33.2%
aged 51 and over910911829140169222.2%28.4%43.2%
31-50 years old96449545975476441%21.8%18.2%
under 30 years of age13929042922042264258.3%45.5%49.7%
german market07217211736737-2.1%2.2%
aged 51 and over02092091195196--6.7%-6.2%
31-50 years old03843840414414-7.8%7.8%
under 30 years of age02092090127127--39.2%-39.2%

Staff departures

Number of peopleBudimex Group
20202021y/y change
polish market1719581,1293021,5091,81177%58%60%
aged 51 and over192272462834036847%50%50%
31-50 years old10054764716682799366%51%54%
under 30 years of age52184236108342450108%86%91%
German market48858890703703-100%-21%-21%
aged 51 and over42722760210210-100%-23%-24%
31-50 years old04604600372372--19%-19%
under 30 years of age01531530121121--21%-21%
Budimex Group
20202021y/y change

The changes in the employment structure occurring over the course of 2021 were related to the nature of the activities carried out on contracts in the Polish and German markets. In the turnover indicators for 2021, a slight increase was recorded in relation to the previous year.

About the report

This publication is another integrated annual report which presents the entire financial, social and environmental performance of the Budimex Group.

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