The Budimex Group assigns responsibility at the level of the company’s bodies and individuals from specific operating units for the implementation and decision-making in the area of human rights. he provisions of the Code of Ethics are guarded by the Ethics Committee. The Committee’s role is to monitor the compliance of applicable standards of professional ethics with the provisions of the Code of Ethics. The Commission investigates breaches of the Code of Ethics and provides guidance on compliance with the principles contained therein, while maintaining standards of confidentiality.
The Ethics Committee consists of persons nominated by the President of the Budimex Management Board:
- Director of the Human Resources Management Division,
- Chief Legal Officer,
- Director of the Office of Internal Control.
The Compliance function has been separated at Budimex SA, FBSerwis SA, and Mostostal Kraków SA. These companies have adopted a Compliance Policy on the basis of Management Board resolutions and create their own internal regulations in this respect. In any necessary case related to the management of relevant human rights issues, provision is made for consultation between Budimex and the subsidiaries, e.g. in terms of exchanging experiences and sharing knowledge, e.g. in terms of adapting internal regulations to the whistleblower directive.