The system for reporting violations is described in the following internal documents:
Complaint mechanisms for employees
Budimex has an extensive whistleblowing system through which all employees can raise complaints or concerns, including on human rights issues.
As part of Budimex’s employee training, a special session is scheduled to address compliance issues and discuss channels for reporting perceived violations and irregularities. The following Compliance communication channels are provided at Budimex:

compliance emergency telephone number (+48 789 404 104)

e-mail addresses: and

an electronic platform for anonymous reporting, the possibility of a personal meeting with the Compliance Officer.
Other reports, e.g. in the form of letters sent directly to the President of the Management Board or Members of the Management Board of Budimex SA, are forwarded directly to the persons responsible for handling them.
The reporting person can remain anonymous and is assured that they are not at risk of any business consequences as a result of their report.
The platform for the anonymous receipt of whistleblower reports provides secure two-way communication about the report. Once made, the whistleblower receives an acknowledgement and a report number. After an internal investigation, the whistleblower is informed about its outcome.
Whistleblowing is not used to undermine the role of legitimate trade unions and other equivalent employee organisations in resolving labour disputes. Nor do they prevent or impede access to courts or other non-judicial mechanisms for handling complaints and reporting violations.
The Compliance Area Legal Director liaises with the Compliance Committee and/or the Office of Internal Control and reviews each report in detail with confidentiality.
Each case of violation is recorded in writing and includes recommendations or guidelines for further action by the organisational unit concerned.
FBSerwis strives to maintain the highest standards of operations, which is why it has created the possibility to report any irregularities concerning its operations via a confidential and secure channel for receiving reports or in writing to: FBSerwis SA, ul. Siedmiogrodzka 9, 01-204 Warsaw with the annotation COMPLIANCE.

At Mostostal Kraków SA, all breaches of ethical behaviour or incidents of mobbing or discrimination should be reported to a dedicated e-mail box: This box is operated by the Compliance Policy Coordinator at Mostostal Kraków SA, who handles the registration and processing of applications together with the Compliance Committee, which includes Members of the Management Board of the Company.
Over the course of 2022, no cases of discrimination were reported through internal channels.
During the reporting period, there were no instances of material fair competition violations. In addition, the compliance training started in the year prior to the reporting period continued. Training issues are described in the chapter Employee Issues in the Budimex Group
Complaint mechanisms for third parties
Stakeholders of the Budimex Group may contact the Budimex Group to consult on any ethics and good relations issues through existing communication channels with the Group.
The Budimex Group takes due care of any information obtained in this way, which is passed on to the persons responsible for Compliance in each case.
Negative influence management
The Budimex Group cooperates in the area of corrective actions. The scope of negative impact prevention activities takes into account changes in systems, processes (e.g. human rights due diligence processes) and internal procedures. These actions are intended to ensure that similar negative influence does not occur in the future.
Each whistleblowing report is analysed and, if confirmed,appropriate action is taken against the offenders. Appropriate recommendations are also made in the area where it occurred.
Procedures of conduct containing commitments to carry out corrective actions taking into account the Minimum Safeguards are described in the following Budimex Group documents and policies:
- Counteracting mobbing and discrimination,
- Compliance Policy,
- Principles for dealing with suspected breaches of the Compliance Policy and for countering breaches.