Policy and management commitments

Due diligence and human rights

Policy and management commitments

In all areas of activity, the Budimex Group is committed to:

Respect and observe human rights.

Avoid significant negative impacts on human rights.

Conduct appropriate due diligence processes in relation to the entities with which it interacts.

The Budimex Group undertakes to respect the rights and provisions defined in the following internationally recognised documents:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

International Charter of Human Rights

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

The Budimex Group creates a working environment where ethical conduct is respected and promoted and where employee diversity is an asset.
Any discriminatory behaviour or in any other way violating established ethical principles is not accepted at Budimex.

The Budimex Group responds appropriately to changes on the labour market, taking them into account as factors in the risk research and adjusting its system regulating the framework of ethical conduct.

The Principles for the Protection of Human Rights is an internal document of the Ferrovial Group. The objective of the document applicable to the entire Ferrovial Group is to raise the awareness of human rights in the company and to increase its possibilities in the scope of resolving problems related to this issue.

The principles commit to non-discriminatory actions that promote equal opportunities, to recognising the value of diversity, and to respecting the prohibition of child and forced labour and freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

The obligations specified in this document apply to all employees, customers, suppliers and contractors who are in relationships with the Group

The principles described in the document stem from the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO (International Labour Organization) conventions – ‘Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work’.

The ‘Code of Ethics’ and the ‘Compliance Policy’ constitute documents that ensure the protection of human rights at the operational level in everyday work.

The ‘Code of Ethics’ document is a reference point for the ethical behaviour of Budimex Group employees.
It defines the Group’s values: Ethics, Cooperation, Responsibility, Ambition..

The Code also indicates the conditions for acting in accordance with the organisation’s values and the areas where ethics should be followed in a special way. This section describes the rules and guidelines of conduct in the specified types of relationships and in the areas of the Budimex Group’s impact:

  • Management and relationships with employees
  • Contact with investors, customers and suppliers
  • Natural environment
  • Taking care of the company’s assets
  • Stock Exchange

The Code is an internal document to which employees of the Budimex Group have access.

Management and relationships with employees
Natural environment
Contact with investors, customers and suppliers
Taking care of the company’s assets
Stock Exchange

Ethics in the supply chain 

The Budimex Group takes care of due diligence in its supply chain, establishing cooperation only with entities that act ethically. In the process of selecting suppliers of materials and services, one of the qualification criteria is the observance of human rights by the company with which Budimex intends to sign an agreement. The process consists of an initial assessment and a post-completion assessment of the supplies/services. In both cases, the issue of respect for human rights is examined. These issues are regulated by the Instruction for the purchasing procedure. Subcontractors sign a Set of Rules of Conduct for Budimex SA contractors including a commitment to respect human rights.
