Climate change and the Group’s long-term business prospects /
Future perspectives

Climate changes and the environment

Climate change and the Group’s long-term business prospects

Future perspectives

Advancing climate change and the need to stop it are among the most important challenges of the modern world. These changes affect every area of life. including the operation of business.

Climate change poses new challenges for the construction sector. Increasing demand for utility and residential infrastructure. rising living standards and related needs are resulting in increased energy consumption. including in the construction sector. The energy intensity of the building sector makes it necessary to manage the impact of buildings and infrastructure on greenhouse gas emissions. but also on biodiversity. water management and space use. Another dimension is the potential impact of sudden weather events and their exacerbation by climate change. All this necessitates the search for new design solutions that are resistant to extreme weather events and that reduce the consumption of natural resources to a minimum (zero-emission buildings).

With the above in mind. Budimex SA updated the assessment of its activities in 2022 in terms of climate change. resulting in the development of a matrix of climate risks. threats and opportunities (Table 8).

The company declares to act consistently with the Budimex Group’s activities in the area of climate change.

The company declares to act consistently with the Budimex Group’s activities in the area of climate change.
