Fuels and energy

Climate changes and the environment

Fuels and energy

[GRI 302-1] [GRI 302-3] [GRI 302-4] [302-5]

The demand for energy and fuels at Mostostal Kraków SA is related to:

  • carrying out work in steel structure manufacturing plants;
  • transporting manufactured structures to the site for assembly.
  • use of company vehicles.
  • supplying electricity and heat to the rest and refreshment facilities.

The energy intensity of construction work. and thus also the carbon footprint. is closely linked to the stage of construction of a particular project and in a given year is dependent on changes in. for example. the volume of asphalt mix production. transport requirements and the commitment of construction equipment. The diversity of the order portfolio as well as the construction process. which lasts an average of two years. make it unreliable to compare energy demand and energy intensity on an annual basis. Positive or negative changes in effects may result from the current state of implementation of the contract portfolio. instead of changes in the operating model. However. these are taking place because the Capital Group. including Budimex SA. is taking a number of measures aimed at permanently reducing the energy intensity and emissions. e.g. through successive replacement of construction equipment. investments in renewable energy sources. educational measures aimed at employees (training. energy-saving campaign) and rationalisation of energy consumption. These measures translate into lower total energy consumption compared to the previous year (Table No. – fuel and energy consumption [MWh]).

Budimex SA has implemented an energy management system aimed at identifying energy-sensitive areas and improving process efficiency. based on the Deming cycle. The company has implemented an energy efficiency improvement policy: ‘Energy Policy’. Activities in this area are constantly monitored. An Energy Management Team has been established and is responsible for supervising the implementation of the Company’s energy policy.

The demand for energy and fuels at Mostostal Kraków SA is related to:

  • carrying out work in steel structure manufacturing plants;
  • transporting manufactured structures to the site for assembly.
  • use of company vehicles.
  • supplying electricity and heat to the rest and refreshment facilities.

The energy intensity of work in steel structure factories. and thus also the emissions. is linked to the stage of work carried out and depends on the volume of production in a given year and the transport distance to the place where the structure is built. This variability means that comparisons of energy demand and energy intensity on an annual basis may not be meaningful.

Fuel and energy consumption in the FB Serwis Group is generated by:

  • fvehicle fleet (cars and specialised vehicles);
  • operation of the system and associated infrastructure (waste processing devices. equipment related to operations. rest and refreshment facilities).

FB Serwis Group has energy efficiency plans in place. which include measures such as: switching off individual machines and devices during process downtime. carrying out process line inspections and servicing to eliminate points of excessive energy consumption. using high-quality devices with low electricity consumption. and automatically controlling the parameters of the biological waste treatment process. The FBSerwis Group’s plants maintain energy balances that include information on energy consumption and flow. Data on fuel and energy consumption at Budimex SA and the entire Budimex Group are presented below.

Table 9. Fuel and energy consumption [MWh].

 [GRI 302-1] 

(*) In 2022. Budimex SA concluded contracts for the supply of electricity with guarantees of origin and/or certificates confirming the origin of energy from renewable energy sources and purchased 15.000 MWh (Respect Energy) in the form of guarantees of origin. Contracts with energy suppliers included the following volumes of green energy:

  • PGE up to 3.588 MWh of used energy;
  • TAURON Sales to the value of 1.714 MWh of energy consumed.

The Scope 2 data sheet and calculations are based on real energy consumption.

In total. guarantees of origin and certificates represent a maximum of 20.302 MWh of green energy in 2022.

(**) In the renewable energy section of the list of energy sources for 2022 presented data contains only number of energy supplied with a Guarantee of Origin.

The summary presented in Table No. 9 uses conversion factors from the DEFRA 2022 database, summaries published by KOBiZE in Calorific values (WO) and CO2 emission factors (EC) in 2019 for reporting under the Emission Trading Scheme for 2022, and in individual cases from fuel data sheets.

Table 10. Consumption of fuels and energy [GJ]

The above table converts fuel and energy data from MWh to GJ using a conversion factor of 3.6.
The Scope 2 data sheet and calculations are based on real energy consumption.

In 2022. the Budimex Group saw a decrease in fuel consumption in buildings and systems y/y by a value of 16.1%. which was significantly influenced by the energy efficiency policy pursued. At the same time. along with changes in the structure of fuels. there was a decrease in the amount of total fuel consumption in the machinery fleet of 0.2% y/y. In vehicle transport. there was a increase in fuel consumption of 15.3% year-on-year. Fuel consumption in vehicle transport was mainly influenced by the mobility needs of employees as a result of real operational activities. In 2020 and 2021. these needs were reduced due to the restrictions put in place as a result of the pandemic.

In 2022. there was an increase in the amount of energy generated in the Budimex Group from RES of 215.1% compared to the previous year. The amount of energy from RES shall gradually increase in the following years with investments in new green energy generation projects. In 2022. there was a significant decrease in the demand for thermal energy. but at the same time there was an increase in the demand for electricity. as its consumption at Group level increased by 17.9%. Budimex Group’s total energy consumption decreased by 0.7% compared to the same period in 2021.

Table 11. Energy intensity indicators for fuel and energy consumption [MWh/PLN].
