The companies of the Budimex Group have a set of Instructions creating the employee area management system. These documents set out the rules for the management of human resources, regulating the following areas:

principles of employment,

remuneration and employee benefits,

relocation of employees,

periodic assessment,

standards of development and training,

ethical issues,

counteracting mobbing and discrimination.

This allows us to limit the risk to which the Budimex Group is exposed, which results from a lack of appropriately qualified employees. The risk is understood both as limited possibilities of recruiting properly qualified people as well as departures of employees and the related loss of competences by the Group.
In 2022, a consistent HR policy resulting from the adopted Human Resources Management strategy was continued. The structure for ensuring business continuity in the HR area is based on a model of competence centres (development, C&B, recruitment, employer branding, HR process optimisation systems), an operations centre (HR and payroll) and HR Managers assigned to the businesses and accountable to the HR Director at Budimex.
In the company, the Office of Communication and Public Relations, positioned within the structures of ZZL, is responsible for internal communication, as well as external communication and public relations.
Collective agreements
[GRI 2-30]
The Budimex Group has the Company Collective Bargaining Agreement. The company’s 4261 full-time employees are subject to collective agreements.
Working conditions of employees – Management Board members, are defined in the Remuneration Policy for Members of Budimex SA Bodies.
Working conditions for employees employed abroad are determined by the provisions of the Remuneration Regulations for the relevant market or, in the absence of the need for such regulations, by the provisions set out in employment contracts. The terms and conditions of employment in foreign markets are also governed by the established Policy on secondments to foreign markets and the Benefits Policy.