Work atmosphere and development of employees /
Development, promotions and training 

Employee issues in the Budimex Group

Work atmosphere and development of employees

Development, promotions and training

[GRI 404-2] [GRI 404-3]

The rules for the implementation of training in the Budimex Group are regulated internally. The staff development planning process is part of the appraisal and goal-setting process for a given year. The individual training and development needs of employees are identified during the employee’s discussion with the supervisor as part of their development planning. On the basis of the established development goals, the HR Development and Systems Office develops the necessary training and development activities.

The Budimex Group has Operational Instructions, whose scope regulates: training topics, professional authorisations, cofinancing for learning foreign languages and post-graduate studies.

Developmental activities are carried out according to the 70:20:10 model, i.e. 70% of development through practical implementation of tasks, 20% through support from others (e.g. supervisor, Coach, Mentor, etc.), and 10% through training.

While speaking about training activities, it must be noted that some trainers are the company’s employees (internal trainers). They are experts who deal with the issues that are the subject of the training on a daily basis. Due to this, the educational offer is effectively adjusted to the specific nature of the company’s activities and directly meets the employees’ development needs. Additionally, it builds and promotes a culture of sharing knowledge within the Budimex Group.

Development Programmes:

Coaching processes

Coaching processes in the Budimex Group are offered not only to top managers, but also to middle managers. These processes are implemented, both in central and production entities. Coaching is aimed at developing in the participant the competences indicated to be strengthened by the employee or his/her superior. Such a system makes it possible to achieve lasting changes in the employee’s behaviour and attitude, leading to the maximisation of professional and personal potential. Coaching in the Budimex Group is carried out on the basis of a defined process and is confidential in nature. In this respect, the company cooperates with more than a dozen external coaches. Each time, a Budimex employee has the opportunity to choose a coach from among several experts and then hold familiarisation/testing meetings. On this basis, a decision is made on the selection of the Coach, and then the actual part of the coaching process is implemented, which consists of 7 +/- 2 sessions. At each stage of the process, the employee has access to the compilation of information materials, as well as the possibility to contact the Development and Training Specialist. This is a highly valued form of development among our employees.

Mentoring processes

A new development project at Budimex was launched in 2022. The Mentoring process in the Budimex Group is formal and standardised. It has been developed in cooperation with external experts. It aims to support the development of employees in the organisation, during which each party builds a purposeful and partnership relationship. The implementation of the mentoring process is intended to translate into the achievement of business objectives, but also to build new competences and develop the potential of the Mentor and the Mentee.

As part of the implemented initiative, the role of Mentors has been taken on by more than a dozen employees. For both Mentors and Mentee, we have prepared a process for strengthening competencies and skills: a series of training sessions, webinars, as well as information (Mentor Guide, Mentee Guide) and educational materials regarding the project and their role.

At Budimex, we see a lot of potential benefits related to the implementation of this process in the organisation, and therefore we assume to continue the project in the near future, with further employees.

Contractor Academy

A programme designed for specialists and experts newly employed in the Budimex Group and those with many years of experience in the organisation. The academy aims to build and systematise knowledge in the field of Contractual Conditions and to build a strong team of Experts who are a strong partner for the business and who exchange experience. The programme not only supports the development of knowledge and skills in the Contractual Conditions Office but also supports internal recruitment within the organisation allowing those who want to progress in this direction to change their career path.

The Academy’s development programme is delivered in four blocks, i.e. contractual conditions, legal aspects, professional effectiveness and personal effectiveness. Workshops are conducted by both internal trainers and external experts. Twenty-five participants took part in the training sessions implemented in the first edition in 2022/2023.

Young Engineer’s Academy

A programme aimed at newly recruited employees in the positions of Trainee Engineer and Construction Engineer. Its aim is to smoothly introduce these people to work in the organisation. The Young Engineer’s Academy also standardises the key competencies required of engineers and allows them to work more effectively in accordance with the Budimex Group’s rules. The programme is carried out in three thematic blocks: personal effectiveness, professional effectiveness and construction site safety. Ninety people took part in last year’s edition.

Engineer Academy

is a series of training courses conducted by internal and external experts in a given field, implemented in the organisation for the staff employed under contract. Their participants can broaden and update their technical knowledge and exchange good practices with the other people taking part in the project. Given the organisation’s key strategic direction of safety, we have strengthened the 2022 Engineer Academy with a module dedicated to Coordination Meetings. A series of training courses – ‘Me as a Construction Manager’ – was developed in collaboration with the business, as well as with Health and Safety. 433 individuals participated in the Academy last year.

The Contract Manager Academy

The Contract Manager Academy supports newly appointed contract managers and those preparing to be promoted to this station, in acquiring knowledge, substantive competencies, as well as managerial skills related to running a contract and managing a team.

The Academy’s programme is divided into several stages, including: internal workshops, which are meetings with employees in a given area. This gives the programme participants the opportunity to learn about the entire construction contract management process, and to exchange experiences and obtain information from the best experts in the company. In addition to the substantive knowledge of Budimex standards, workshops on business security, negotiations, and team management have been prepared for those taking part in the Academy. Additionally, they can participate in a cafeteria of training courses that support them in developing their individual needs. It is worth mentioning that a development and training specialist, as the academy supervisor, ensures that all participants receive appropriate support. 39 people participated in the programme in 2022.

Development Programmes:

„Super Lider”

is a programme that aims to build leadership competencies among senior managers and executives by strengthening their ability to communicate strategy, develop subordinate teams and engage employees to achieve common goals. It consists of three modules, each of which presents a different leadership style. Participants in the ‘Super Leader’ undergo a diagnosis of the organisational climate and the leadership styles used, prior to the group sessions, in order to receive feedback and developmental guidance on the basis of this diagnosis. In the next steps, programme participants hone their skills in workshops, interspersed with coaching and master class sessions and implementation tasks. Each participant also receives a set of materials to work on the development of the particular leadership style. In total, more than 200 managers have been invited to the three editions of the ‘Super Leader’ programme. More than 1,000 employees have provided feedback at the diagnosis stage. The programme is carried out in cooperation with business partners – leaders in the market for consulting and training services.

‘Managerial Stairs’,

i.e. the path of developing managerial skills from the beginner manager to the top management, taking into account the level of the position held, previous experience and competences necessary for effective management at particular career levels. The programme consists of four stages which gradually expand the participant’s knowledge. The programme catalogue includes a wide range of training courses, delivered on-site and online by external trainers. Workshops are held periodically for closed and open training groups.

Webinars for managers on leadership

These are 60/90-minute meetings with external experts. Their aim is to inspire managers to develop their emotional intelligence, take care of their mental wellbeing, build relationships in teams, increase their vital energy and also show subordinates recognition effectively.

Cast-Iron Success

a significant part of the training activities includes special programmes supporting given groups of employees. One of them is ‘Cast-Iron Success’, a project supporting the professional development of women in the Budimex Group, as well as creating opportunities to increase their number in managerial positions.

The programme is designed for women working on construction contracts and in support functions. ‘Cast-Iron Success’ provides an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills, and to develop competencies. In 2022, a record number of 47 female participants – from specialists to managers – were invited to the 3rd Edition of the programme. The programme consists of four workshops, in between which participants complete implementation tasks to support the development of skills acquired during the training. There are 4 modules: ‘My skills, my talents, my new self’, ‘My personal effectiveness’, ‘My self as a Manager’, ‘My brand, my authority’. The classes shall be carried out by external experts. Appropriately long breaks are planned between meetings so that each project participant can implement the knowledge gained during the training in their daily work.

Continuous Growth

The ‘Continuous Growth’ development programme is a project dedicated to persons with high development potential, working in specialist and managerial positions. The main objective of the programme is to enhance skills, and strengthen the key competences of the future in the field of emotional intelligence, decision-making and strategic aspects of management. Participants in the programme were able to deepen the knowledge they gained during ‘So WHOT’ implementation sessions, where they shared their successes, discussed case studies and jointly searched for the right solutions. During the programme, participants received newsletters deepening the topics covered during the workshops, as well as access to podcasts, webinars and inspirational multimedia messages.


Following the publication of the European Union’s Taxonomy Act, Budimex and Ferrovial are required to carry out an activity analysis to determine their contribution to the environmental objectives of the Taxonomy, such as climate protection and climate change adaptation. The aim of the Taxonomy is to increase the level of environmental protection through, for example, the introduction of criteria and requirements for qualifying a company as a sustainable business, and the introduction of mandatory reporting, which is expected to translate directly into even more informed investment decisions in terms of environmentally friendly business activities. In this regard, the HR Development and Systems Office actively supported the organisation and employees in acquiring knowledge in ESG, Taxonomy and Environment (Waste Management, which, due to the relevance of the topic, were included in the Engineer Academy). In 2022, a series of closed and open training courses on taxonomy and ESG were held in the company. Nearly 130 employees participated in these training courses.

Feedback Culture | 360 assessment

‘Feedback Culture’ is a long-standing project in the Budimex Group, which is indispensable in building the company’s culture. In addition to the activities that have become a permanent part of Budimex’s development offer (webinars, knowledge pills, leaflets), this initiative also includes animations showing how powerful feedback is and how it affects not only the increase of work quality and efficiency, but also relations and cooperation in the team.

In 2022, psychological support for employees was also launched at Budimex Group (two on-call hours per week). Medical care was also reviewed. We added dentistry, additional rehabilitation procedures, and medical procedures performed as part of one-day surgery. Access to medical services for blue-collar employees working outside large cities with Medicover medical facilities and cooperating facilities was also increased, with the introduction of favourable conditions for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred at any facility in the country (freedom of treatment).


Webinars are a permanent part of the Budimex Group’s training and development offer. They are meetings with inspiring guests – both representatives of the world of sport, science and psychology, as well as experts in particular fields. When planning the topics of the webinars, the organisation listens to the needs of employees and reacts to current events in the country and the world. Suggestions include meetings on mental health care and preventive health care for women and men. The aim of the project is also to support our employees in working in international markets, and to equip them with knowledge about the differences involved in running a contract abroad. As an employer, Budimex supported its employees due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine. The Budimex Group hosted a series of webinars on taking care of mental health in this situation, for parents on how to talk to their children about the war, and for volunteers on how to help wisely.

The Podcast Series is a project aimed at people who prefer to gain knowledge in audio form. Podcasts are becoming an increasingly popular form of media. Conscious of this, a modern development tool has been made available to employees in the Budimex Group via the YouTube platform. Education and development activities dedicated to the employees and managers were divided into two main cycles: Anatomy of Change, Self-Discipline and Personal Effectiveness – Planning and Organising Time. Leading experts in the respective fields have been invited to prepare podcasts.

The Budimex Group also runs training programmes related to the development of interpersonal (communication), negotiation and personal effectiveness skills for professionals and managers.

The Budimex Group also runs training programmes related to the development of interpersonal (communication), negotiation and personal effectiveness skills for professionals and managers.

Workshops are available in an open offer as well as in the form of dedicated training, based on the needs of specific teams. The workshops provide employees with access to practical solutions and tools. As part of the catalogue training, technical, specialist, negotiation, communication, computer, managerial, language, and eLearning training in MS Excel (basic, intermediate and advanced levels) and Power BI is also offered. The offer includes 60 training courses in the form of open enrollment for employees.

Another important element at Budimex strengthening effective communication and cooperation is the possibility to perform an Individual Extended DISC Analysis. It is a study that allows the employee’s natural potential, predispositions and talents to be recognised. It is based on self-reflection – the participant carries out a self-assessment of how they behave in a particular situation. The main areas analysed are behaviour and communication styles, manifested in the professional area. Usually, after the examination, the employee participates in a webinar, the purpose of which is to learn about the Extended DISC model, to provide the characteristics of the four leading styles and to prepare for independent work with the individual report. The Budimex team includes certified employees authorised to give feedback.
2022 marks an intensive development of language skills at Budimex. In addition to the self-learning platform for English and German, employees were offered individual and group language learning courses. Last year, several hundred people participated in the classes. English, German, Czech and Slovak language skills were developed. Budimex employees also took part in Total Immersion intensive courses (English and Czech) outside of Poland.

Engagement Survey

In the Budimex Group, an engagement survey is conducted once every two years. The next one is scheduled for 2023.

Indicators from the training area concerning the parent company Budimex SA are included in the appendices to this report. Due to the change in the classification categories, the breakdowns taking into account the classification categories are not comparable year-on-year.

Table 31. Average number of training hours in the Budimex Group in 2022.

Table 32. Average number of training hours in the Budimex Group in 2021 .

For training courses that require attendance at all meetings in order to pass, training courses not completed in full were not included in the total number. For non-compulsory training, each training session started is counted as one full session, with only those hours actually completed by the employee being shown in the number of training hours.

Table 31. Number of employees improving professional qualifications in the Budimex Group in 2022.

Data on the number of employees upgrading their professional skills is published for 2022 only due to incomparability resulting from a change in the data collection methodology.

Table 34. Number of employees trained in selected topics in 2022 in the Budimex Group.

Due to the changes introduced in the grading categories at Budimex over 2022, data on annual assessments by employee grade are published for 2022 only due to the incomparability of year-on-year data.

Table 35. Employees who have been subject to regular employee assessments in the Budimex Group in 2022.

Table 36. Pracownicy, którzy zostali poddani regularnym ocenom pracowniczym in the Budimex Group.
