The Budimex Group, bearing in mind the needs of local communities and the environment, is guided in its activities by the principles of sustainable development. The aim of ‘Budimex’s SA CSR Strategy for 2021–2023’ is to increase the company’s positive impact on society and the environment and reduce its negative impact in accordance with accepted definitions of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. ‘Budimex’s SA CSR strategy for 2021–2023’ has been developed into 6 key areas of responsibility:

Level of implementation of CSR Strategy activities in 2022
The current Strategy in the area of sustainable development, i.e. Budimex Group’s CSR Strategy for 2021–2023, adopts targets for implementation in the six relevant areas included in the classification of ESG issues. Throughout 2022, the Budimex Group has maintained the assumed level of a number of adopted indicators, thus fulfilling the assumptions of the strategic goals, especially in the context of due diligence, ethics and health and safety. As part of the issue of tackling climate change, Budimex SA is successively adapting to the challenges facing the global population both by investing in energy transformation and developing internal adaptation tools, as well as meeting new requirements for sustainable financing.

We ensure the highest standards of health and safety at work
In 2022, the Budimex Group recorded a decrease in the accident severity rate to 0.17, compared to the 0.32 recorded in 2021. The accident frequency rate remained at 3.9, a level similar to the previous year. The Budimex Group takes a diligent approach to accident prevention, as evidenced by the achievement of the target for additional first-aid training for people on contracts (398 people in 2022, representing 303% of the 2021 level). As part of its strategic tasks, the Budimex Group implements measures to take care of employee wellbeing. In 2022, 2,956 Group employees participated in the offer of mental health training and support, with 1,370 employees participating in a minimum of one event (671 people participated in one event, 699 people participated in more than 1 event). Since July, the organisation has provided 2 hours of time with an on-call psychologist available to employees each week – that is, 8 hours per month. In 2022, more than 30 on-call events have taken place since July. There have also been 32 events – webinars, trainings, courses – to strengthen mental health and to raise awareness and build balance

We reduce the negative impact on the environment and climate
Over the course of 2021 and 2022, the Budimex Group carried out a climate risk analysis to support other climate change adaptation activities. The categorisation of risks, threats and opportunities used in the analysis is based on TCFD guidelines. Budimex SA has developed corporate objectives and policies related to climate change mitigation. As part of its efforts to adapt to climate change, investments were made in renewable energy sources, electrification of the vehicle fleet and new machinery and devices.
Measures were taken to implement closed-loop policy solutions through the compilation of a methodology for the recovery of construction waste. As part of the objective related to sustainable raw materials, activities were carried out to maximise the use of asphalt technology using asphalt granules. In addition, as part of environmental due diligence, meetings and discussions were held with business partners on low-carbon and innovative products available on the Polish market.

We care about employee development and job satisfaction
The Budimex Group runs a number of development programmes aimed at both existing staff and students taking their first steps in the construction sector. Throughout 2022, 279 apprentices have benefited from Budimex’s SA offer. We have organised 85 educational events aimed at future employees in the construction sector. As part of our approach to providing equal employment opportunities, we are monitoring and successively reducing inequalities and the pay gap. In 2022, Budimex Group has calculated an adjusted pay gap of: -1.9%.

We focus on the highest quality and innovation
Budimex SA is committed to the highest quality of the services provided. The implementation of the objective to continuously improve the quality of services is monitored by the Quality Control indicator, the level of which was 96.9% in 2022, which is a 2 p.p. improvement on 2021. This level meets the quality target for Budimex SA for 2022. Budimex SA met a number of Innovation Zone targets in 2022, with 147 innovation projects reported over the past year, of which 18 were implemented.

We counter abuse
In 2022, training was provided to newly recruited employees
as part of the ‘Welcome to the Group’ programme. As
part of the training, key compliance issues were presented,
including the importance of compliance for the Company’s
operations, a discussion of the current Compliance Policy,
the relevant areas of materialisation of legal risks in the
area of compliance, i.e. corruption, conflict of interest
and fraud, and on the Company’s existing compliance
communication channels. In November 2022, a training
course was organised for Management Board Members
entitled ‘Selected Elements of Security Management at
Budimex SA’, which covered such issues as:
• employee abuse in the investment process
• unfair competition in the construction industry
• corruption
• giving and accepting gifts as well as sponsoring
• good anti-corruption practices, especially during
the procurement process
• risk of liability of a collective entity
This training kicked off a series of training sessions that are to continue in 2023 for individual employee groups.
As part of the due diligence processes in place at the Budimex Group, a key element is the monitoring of the effectiveness of the processing of reports. In 2022, there were no reported and confirmed violations of ethical standards.

We engage in dialogue and support local communities
In 2022, the Budimex Group met all its objectives regarding
dialogue and cooperation with local communities,
conducting, for example, 3 permanent information
campaigns dedicated to the company’s good practices in
the social and environmental areas. In 2022, 24 dialogue
sessions were held with stakeholders, which depended
on their needs for the ongoing contracts, as well as a
number of information campaigns for local communities
on specific projects. Throughout 2022, 3 CSR Committee
meetings were held to oversee the level of implementation
of sustainable development tasks in the Budimex Group.
Employees of the Budimex Group in 2022 were involved in
a number of pro-social and volunteer projects – over the
period of 2022, the involvement of 87 volunteers within the
framework of employee volunteering was reported.
In addition, the implementation of the individual qualitative
objectives set out in the CSR Strategy is achieved by carrying
out the activities described in the thematic chapters.