The following rules were applied to calculate the percentage of turnover, capital expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenses (OpEx) eligible for the Taxonomy:
With regard to turnover, the basis was the Group’s total consolidated revenues in 2022, as disclosed in the consolidated financial statements in the consolidated profit and loss account under ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’. Net revenue from sale of products, goods and materials as described in note 30. Revenues from activities eligible for and comp
Capital expenditures (CapEx)
With regard to capital expenditure (CapEx), the basis was the capital expenditure incurred in all Group companies, which was reported in the consolidated statement of cash flows within investing activities under ‘Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment’. The part of CapEx that relates to activities eligible for and compliant with the taxonomy was allocated to the counter. For capital expenditures on construction vehicles, equipment and machinery, the proportional allocation method was applied. The Group uses vehicles, equipment and construction machinery for performing various contracts related to activities both eligible and not eligible for the Taxonomy; in addition, the same machinery may be used at different times of the year for different contracts. The total capital expenditures on construction vehicles, equipment and machinery were therefore allocated to the various activities in the proportion corresponding to the proportion of revenue from the contracts concerned. The above does not apply to capital expenditures in FBSerwis, where the CapEx was assigned directly.
Operating expenses (OpEx)
With regard to operating expenses (OpEx), the basis was all costs used to operate the Group’s assets on an ongoing basis and to keep them in proper working order. The part of OpEx that relates to activities eligible for and compliant with the taxonomy was allocated to the counter. For operating expenses on construction equipment and machinery, the proportional allocation method was applied in the same way as for CapEx, as described above. For operating expenses related to vehicles and machinery used in the FBSerwis segment, the CapEx was assigned directly. For operating expenses, which are defined in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 in a way that does not refer to International Financial Reporting Standards, all accounts in the Group’s accounting system were reviewed and then the identified items meeting the definition of OpEx related to the maintenance of vehicles, equipment and construction machinery were allocated on a pro-rata basis and items related to vehicles and machinery used for waste management were allocated directly to the relevant activity. Operating expenses is an expense item in the profit and loss account, as opposed to capital expenditure, which is an increase in the balance of tangible and intangible assets, and therefore the values included in the CapEx and OpEx calculations are separate.
Additional Information
The data used for the calculations came from the financial and accounting system of the Budimex SA Group and from the financial and accounting systems of the individual subsidiaries comprising the Group. The Group avoided double counting when allocating turnover and capital expenditure by making appropriate consolidation exclusions in accordance with the applicable accounting regulations. In the case of operating expenses, which are defined in the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 in a manner that does not refer to international financial reporting standards, all accounts in the Group’s accounting system were reviewed and the identified items meeting the definition of OpEx were then assigned to the qualifying activity in each case. No activities contributing to more than one environmental objective were identified during the analysis. Therefore, there was no need for special procedures to avoid double counting. The Group discloses in this report for the first time the share of activities that comply with the taxonomy and for the second time the share of activities that qualify for the taxonomy. The disclosure in this report relates to the most recent financial year, i.e. the period 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022. The analysis has shown that there is no need for a detailed disaggregation of the key performance indicators between the Group’s individual operating entities in accordance with point of Appendix I of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178. For more information, please refer to the comments on the individual key performance indicators. The Group does not carry out, finance or have exposure to the activities referred to in sections 4.26 – 4.31 of Appendix I and II of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 (activities related to the generation of energy through nuclear processes and energy production from gaseous fossil fuels).