


Table 5. Percentage of turnover in line with the taxonomy.

The Group generates revenue from several business segments, most of which are included in the Taxonomy in the scope of Appendices I and II of the Delegated Climate Act (Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139).

The main revenue items of the 2022 systematically compliant activities were:

Revenue from the execution of transport-related infrastructure construction contracts amounting to PLN 2,134.0 million, relating to the construction of infrastructure for rail transport (PLN 1,815.2 million) and infrastructure supporting low-emission water transport (PLN 318.8 million).

Revenues from contracts for the construction of new buildings in the amount of PLN 126.9 million.

Revenues related to the construction of water collection, treatment and purification systems amounting to PLN 221.2 million.

Revenues of the Group’s segment responsible for waste management in the amount of PLN 542.1 million.

In addition, the Group received revenue from wind power generation (PLN 15.1 million) in 2022.

Some of the revenues received relating to the above-mentioned activities did not meet the Technical Eligibility Criteria and were therefore eligible for, but not in line with the taxonomy. In particular, this concerned revenue from the construction of new buildings (PLN 1,542.0 million).
The remaining PLN 3,980.2 million of revenue came from activities that are not eligible for the taxonomy. The share of turnover eligible for the taxonomy in the total turnover was 53.82% in 2022, of which the share of turnover in line with the taxonomy was 35.09% and the share of turnover eligible but not in line with the taxonomy was 18.73%.
