In 2022, the Budimex Group received the following awards and distinctions:

Top Builder 2021
Budimex won the prestigious Top Builder Prize for building PKN Orlen’s R&D Centre in Plock.

Award of the Year of the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs – Leader of Sustainable Development
an award given for Budimex’s environmental protection, closed loop economy, low carbon and social activities.

Construction Company of the Year
award granted by the jury of the Infrastructure and Construction Diamonds competition. The committee includes engineers and construction managers from such organisations as: Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Roads and Bridges, Railway Research Institute, Polish Economic Chamber of Road Building and Maintenance and Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers.

Top Brand
once again, Budimex has won the title of the strongest brand in the construction industry category in the Top Brand 2022 ranking. At the same time, it took 66th place in the classification of 500 brands, ahead of companies such as Nike, T-Mobile and Volvo. Thus, Budimex climbed up two places in the ranking, compared to last year’s result.

"Construction of the Year 2021" Awards
commonly referred to as the Oscars of the construction industry.
The Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians awarded the best, in terms of engineering construction sites in Poland completed in 2021. The following investments made by Budimex were distinguished:
• R&D centre of PKN ORLEN in Płock
• The Sybir Memorial Museum in Białystok
• "ZASPA VVITA" in Gdańsk
• Wiślany Mokotów estate, stage V
• Construction of stage B ‘OLYMPIC’ as part of the
"Mińska 69" housing estate in Warsaw
• NIEMENA multi-family residential building with
a garage hall together with road and technical
infrastructure in Poznań
• Fredry 6 investment in Krakow – Stage II
(Consortium of: Budimex SA, Przedsiębiorstwo
Budowlano-Handlowo-Transportowe ‘Edmund
Leś’ companies)

Construction Brand of the Year
in the opinion of construction subcontractors, Budimex has been recognised as a company that offers the best conditions. This is according to a study published in June, which was conducted in the first quarter of this year by ASM Centrum Badań Analiz i Rynku. In the survey, in which more than 300 companies from across the country participated, Budimex ranked first among the top ten general contractors and among the companies recommended as a partner for cooperation. The company was also awarded the title of best business partner in terms of financial conditions and payment terms.

Upgrade of 2021
award for the modernisation of the historic PKP SA railway station in Białystok.

CSR White Leaf of the Polityka weekly
an award granted by the Polityka weekly, Deloitte and the Responsible Business Forum for sustainable development activities.