The Budimex Group cares about building long-term relationships with important stakeholders, based on the values followed by the Group in every activity. The CSR Committee set up by the Group ensures that communication with key stakeholders is conducted transparently and on the basis of open dialogue. Budimex encourages stakeholders to share their insights, and uses the resulting conclusions in development processes that make the company more dynamic and sustainable. The form of communication is selected appropriately for the specific nature and needs of the stakeholder group and communication possibilities which can be limited due to e.g. restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In its communication, the Budimex Group attaches great importance to transparently informing stakeholders about its activities in the area of sustainable development.
The identified significant stakeholders of the Budimex Group are:

Dialogue with stakeholders at Budimex is the responsibility of the Communications and Public Relations Office, the CSR Committee and the Strategic Analysis Office. The frequency and form of contact are adapted to the needs and relations with the respective group.