The most important contracts signed in 2022
Construction of the D1 Bratislava-Triblavina expansion in accordance with FIDIC contractual conditions
On 28 November 2022, Národná diaľničná spoločnosť a.s. with its registered office in Bratislava, signed a contract with Budimex SA for: “Construction of the D1 Bratislava- Triblavina expansion in accordance with FIDIC contractual conditions – «yellow book»” (“Zhotovenie stavby D1 Bratislava-Triblavina, rozšírenie v zmysle zmluvných podmienok FIDIC – «žltá kniha»”).
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: EUR 110.9 million net
- Commencement of works: 1 December 2022
- Completion date: 36 months after the commencement
The aim of the project is to reconstruct the motorway and other related facilities. This means the full extension of the D1 motorway, including the replacement of the road structure on the section from Vajnor to the Triblavina junction and the construction of 19 bridges. The reconstruction is necessary to ensure connections with the D4 motorway.

Design and construction of the S17 Piaski – Hrebenne expressway, section 9. Tomaszów Lubelski (end of the bypass) – Hrebenne (beginning of the bypass)
On 28 November 2022, Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad Branch in Lublin signed a contract with Budimex SA for: “Design and construction of the S17 Piaski-Hrebenne expressway, section 9. Tomaszów Lubelski (end of the bypass) – Hrebenne (beginning of the bypass)” with a length of about 17.3 km.
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: PLN 486.4 million net
- Work commencement date: from the day of signing the contract
- Completion date: 36 months (the time for completion of works does not include winter periods, i.e. from 16/12 to 15/03; the design time includes winter periods, i.e. from 16/12 to 15/03).

Design and construction of the S17 Piaski-Hrebenne expressway, Section No. 6: the Zamość Wschód junction to the Zamość Południe junction (including both junctions).
On 14 October 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych I Autostrad Branch in Lublin for the procedure entitled “Design and construction of the S17 Piaski-Hrebenne expressway, Section No. 6: the Zamość Wschód junction to the Zamość Południe junction (including both junctions)”, with a length of approx. 12.430 km.
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: PLN 358.2 million net
- Contract commencement date: from the day of signing the contract
- Completion date: 36 months (the time for completion of works does not include winter periods, i.e. from 16/12 to 15/03; the design time includes winter periods, i.e. from 16/12 to 15/03).

Design and construction of the S1 Kosztowy – Bielsko- Biała, section I/B “Kosztowy II” junction (including the junction) – “Bieruń” junction (excluding the junction)
On 4 July 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad Branch in Katowice for: “Design and construction of the road S1 Kosztowy – Bielsko-Biała, section I/B “Kosztowy II” junction (including the junction) – “Bieruń” junction (excluding the junction)”.
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: PLN 397.7 million net
- Contract commencement date: from the date of concluding the contract
- Completion date: 33 months after the commencement date
Infrastructure projects
Construction of a hospital building for the needs of an operating theatre, hospital wards, diagnostic, laboratory and rehabilitation facilities, along with the supply of equipment
On 8 November 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with the 5th Military Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic in Krakow for the „Construction of a hospital building for the needs of an operating theatre, hospital wards, diagnostic, laboratory and rehabilitation facilities, along with the supply of equipment.”
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: PLN 367.5 million net (including – basic order: PLN 319.4 million net plus an optional order: PLN 48.1 million net)
- Date of commencement of works: the date of signing the contract is deemed to be the date of commencement of the works
- Completion date: 30 November 2026

Execution of construction and assembly works as part of the expansion of the military complex in Siedlce, including the construction of new facilities and reconstruction of the existing ones, along with the construction of accompanying infrastructure and land development
On 8 December 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with the State Treasury – the Minister of National Defence, on whose behalf and in whose name enacts: “Zakład Organizacji Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego”, for: “Execution of construction and assembly works as part of the expansion of the military complex in Siedlce, including the construction of new facilities and reconstruction of the existing ones, along with the construction of accompanying infrastructure and land development.”
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: PLN 294.6 million net
- Commencement date: date of contract conclusion
- Deadline for completion of works: by 18 January 2027

Construction of infrastructure to secure the functioning of specialised armament and construction of building No. 52A for training and the Brigade’s Control Station needs
On 12 September 2022, Budimex SA concluded two contracts with Stołeczny Zarząd Infrastruktury for: “Construction of infrastructure to secure the functioning of specialised armament” and for: “Construction of building No. 52A for training and the Brigade’s Control Station needs.”
Contract terms and conditions:
- Total value of contracts: PLN 226.1 million net, including – basic order: PLN 204.7 million net and an order covered by the option right: PLN 21.4 million net
- Date of commencement of works: after handing over the construction site – 14 days from the moment of signing the contract
- Completion date: 600 days from the date of signing the contract

Design and expansion of the DCT Container Terminal in Gdańsk: “T3 Project”
On 7 July 2022, a contract was concluded between Budimex SA (Consortium Leader) and DREDGING INTERNATIONAL NV (Consortium Partner), and DCT Gdańsk Sp. z o. o. for the design and extension of the DCT Container Terminal in Gdańsk – “T3 Project.”
The extension of DCT Gdańsk by another stage will
increase the handling capacity of the terminal in the
first phase of the development by 1.7 million TEU to a
total of 4.5 million TEU (20-foot containers) per year..
Participation of consortium members in the consortium:
Leader 75.00%, Partner 25.00%.
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: EUR 245.0 million net
- Commencement of works: 28 days after the commencement order is issued by the Employer (unless the Parties agree otherwise)
- Work completion date: up to 1030 days

Execution of construction and assembly works as part of the expansion of the military complex in Siedlce
On 14 December 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with the State Treasury – the Minister of National Defence, on whose behalf and in whose name enacts: „Zakład Organizacji Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego”, for: “Execution of construction and assembly works as part of the expansion of the military complex in Siedlce, including the construction of a sports hall building, a warehouse and social building, a sports field complex, a military kitchen and canteen building, two multi-branch warehouses, a workshop building, a car wash and a petrol station for military motor vehicles, and accompanying infrastructure along with land development.”
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value: PLN 215.5 million net
- Commencement date: date of contract conclusion
- Deadline for completion of works: by 17 January 2025

Construction of protection of the state border on the section of the Podlaskie Border Guard Unit – design and construction of a physical barrier on section No. 1 and section No. 2 of the Podlaskie Border Guard Unit
On 4 January 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with the Border Guard Headquarters for the “Construction of protection of the state border on the section of the Podlaskie Border Guard Unit” – design and construction of a physical barrier on section No. 1 (length of approx. 54.82 km) and section No. 2 (length of approx. 50.73 km) of the Podlaskie Border Guard Unit.
Contract terms and conditions:
- Contract value for section no. 1: PLN 167.7 million net
- Contract value for section no. 2: PLN 158.5 net
- Contract commencement date: after handing over the construction site to the contractor
- Deadline for completion of works: up to 150 days from the date of signing the contract.

Construction of a fast tram route from Kasprzaka Street to Wilanów on sections: from Puławska Street to Św. Bonifacego Street and the Stegny loop and from Św. Bonifacego Street to Branickiego Street
On 29 March 2022, Budimex SA concluded a contract with the ordering party – Tramwaje Warszawskie Sp. z o. o. for the design and execution of works as part of the development entitled “Construction of a fast tram route from Kasprzaka Street to Wilanów on sections: from Puławska Street to Św. Bonifacego Street and the Stegny loop and from Św. Bonifacego Street to Branickiego Street.”
Contract terms and conditions:
- Tender value: PLN 557.3 million net (basic scope – PLN 375.0 million net, optional scope – PLN 182.2 million net)
- The ordering party may exercise the option right within 10 months from the date of concluding the contract
- Contract commencement date: the date of concluding the contract by both parties
- Works completion date: (basic scope – 22 months from the date of concluding the contract and the optional scope – 20 months from the date indicated in the ordering party’s statement on exercising the option right)