* Indicators marked with „*” was subject of a assurance engagement by an independent auditor.
Ratio of remuneration for men to the remuneration for women (in the same employee category) [1]
* White-collar workers = all workers – (blue-collar workers + managers + executives + management board).
** No women employed in the position.
Definition: remuneration for men / remuneration for women – 1; Note: categories without representation by both genders were omitted
[1] Data refer only to the Polish market.
Lowest remuneration in the company in relation to the minimum wage in the country[2]
[2] Data refer only to the Polish market.
Liczba pracowników, którzy na 31.12 przebywali na urlopach macierzyńskich/tacierzyńskich
Liczba pracowników, którzy w ciągu roku powrócili z urlopów macierzyńskich/tacierzyńskich
Percentage of employees who resigned from work at the company within 12 months after their return to work from parental leave