* Indicators marked with „*” was subject of a assurance engagement by an independent auditor.
One of the goals for 2017 was the improvement of safety by raising awareness associated with the performance of duties and the position, which is education regarding work safety management. The training programme is consulted with the employees and assessed by them, which means that the content of the training programme is properly adjusted to real needs. OHS training in Budimex is divided into mandatory and systemic training. In 2017, Budimex invested PLN 725,000 into mandatory training, which involved two-thirds of all workers employed in the company. In 2017, 2004 persons took part in periodic training, including 168 persons regarding first aid. “OHS management” systemic training, in turn, involved 175 persons. In total, 2347 employees gained or supplemented their knowledge over the time span of 26,496 hours. In 2018, further education and training activities will be continued.
In 2017, two new training projects involving construction site safety were launched:
The Budimex training system exceeds mandatory training requirements of the Polish law. For example, Budimex organises training more often than it is required by regulations, i.e. once a year for production workers and at least once every three years for management staff. All personnel working on a given contract, including the workers of subcontractors, are required to complete training on internal safety procedures.
Occupational health and safety also involves employees doing office work rather than construction work, therefore, Budimex cares for ergonomics at workplaces and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The employees can, e.g., receive MyBenefit card, which entitles them to use sports facilities across Poland or recreational trips. Within the framework of CSR strategy, activities regarding work-life balance in the company are implemented. The average number of unused leave per employee is analysed and during the satisfaction survey the employees are asked if their superior favours balance in that area. An important aspect of caring about the employees is also the investment in future personnel and facilitating career progression of Budimex employees. The evidence of activities in that regard is the Human Capital certificate, awarded in 2017.