5. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUSINESS, 5.8. Summary of achievement of social (S) area goals in 2023, 5.8.2. Contribution to local socioeconomic development

5.8.2. Contribution to local socioeconomic development

The Budimex Group’s contribution to sustainable socio-economic development in the local or regional scale or throughout Poland is based mainly on it performing the following roles:

  • service provider
As part of carried out contracts the Group designs, builds, modernizes and maintains infrastructure of key importance for the efficient and safe functioning of the society, the economy and the state, e.g. motorways, expressways and bypasses, bridges, railway lines and stations, flood protection facilities, factories and industrial facilities. It is becoming increasingly engaged in the energy transition of Poland, not only by developing the network of general-access electric vehicle charging stations, but also by constructing backup facilities for offshore wind farms. The construction of public buildings, such as museums, theaters, sports and recreation facilities and public administration or administration of justice buildings, is equally important. In addition, in a number of townships it is the Group companies that deal with waste collection and appropriate management of waste. More information about specific contracts and their importance can be found in Sections 7.1. and 7.2.

  • taxpayer of payers of other charges

The Budimex Group makes a significant contribution to the state budget and local budgets. In 2023, it paid a total of PLN 1,083 billion on account of corporate income tax, VAT and real estate tax.

Table: Direct economic value generated by the Budimex Group
[GRI 201-1]

  • employer and partner in human resource education and training

Budimex SA is a large employer, providing direct employment to 7,337 persons [1]. In 2023, the company allocated as much as PLN 1,536 million for salaries and employee benefits. It invests in the development of teams and supports the education of future human resources, especially engineering staff for the national construction sector. This is enabled in particular through the internship program for higher education and technical school students.

Budimex SA has signed over 40 partnership agreements with higher education institutions, technical secondary schools and vocational schools. 363 higher education students were admitted to paid internship in 2023. In addition, the company runs the BX Ambassador program in which selected students of engineering faculties participate. In the academic year 2023/2024, 17 ambassadors from 16 Polish higher education institutions promote the Budimex Group as an employer among their peers.

Budimex SA also runs a program of cooperation with secondary technical schools in which currently 40 schools participate. In 2023, 61 school students had their vocational internship in the company as part of their technical secondary school education program.

In 2023, the company organized 99 events addressed to higher education students and 38 events for schools. They have the form of, among others, trips to construction project locations, job fairs (often combined with talks and/or presentations on the Budimex Group) and lectures.

In addition, Budimex SA supports various competitions and projects at universities and high schools, such as the “Zwolnieni z Teorii” Program and the Building Knowledge and Skills Olympiad, aimed at motivating young people to develop and improve their professional skills in the construction industry.

  • business partner

As the purchaser of a number of products and services necessary to carry out contracts, the Group companies contribute to maintaining thousands of jobs in its value chain.

  • technological innovation developer

The research and development work undertaken by the Budimex Group contributes to the development of the construction sector, which also includes reducing its impact on the environment and enhancing the safety of works conducted. Additional information on this issue can be found in Section 2.11.

  • patron of important institutions and social initiatives

The Group companies support important pro bono goals, among other things by providing donations to local non-government organizations.

[1] As at 31 December 2023.