5. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUSINESS, 5.8. Summary of achievement of social (S) area goals in 2023
5.8. Summary of achievement of social (S) area goals in 2023
The Budimex Group’s responsibility for the actual and potential impact on the surroundings is manifested through the actions it undertakes in the social area. They arise from the company’s mission and its corporate values, as well as from the commitments defined in the ESG Strategy 2023-2026. They allow the Group to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals regarding health and wellbeing (goal 3), education (goal 4) and gender equality (goal 5).
In 2023, as part of further improvement of employment terms and employee comfort, another edition of a periodic commitment survey was launched, which made it possible to define the areas requiring improvement or refinement.
To enhance the wellbeing of the company’s team members, they were offered an opportunity to participate in webinars on preventive healthcare, as well as to receive psychological support in the form of a specialist on-call helpline.
The importance of safety rules, constituting a priority for the construction sector, was highlighted and the monitoring of potentially hazardous incidents and the exchange of knowledge were continued – both among employees and with partners and subcontractors. In accordance with a strategic intention, the Safety Week was run in the case of over 90% of contracts (94%) carried out by the company. Also 576 safety visits were made to projects carried out under contracts.
Since the continuous development is seen as an obligation towards team members and customers, a number of training programs were continued in the company (Young Engineer Academy, Contract Manager Academy, Super Leader or Management Stairway). A total of over PLN 8.5 million were allocated for training and other development initiatives, which exceeded the strategic assumptions for 2023.
In 2023, actions aimed at promoting diversity in the organization were continued at Budimex SA. Three information campaigns concerning cross-gender and cross-cultural nad intergenerational differences, as well as cooperation with people with disabilities, were conducted. The company hired 40 trainees from Ukraine, and 14 employees of Budimex SA went to the United Kingdom and Australia as part of the Global Mobility program to work there under Ferrovial contracts. To prepare the organization for growth in neighboring markets, allowances for persons working on projects abroad were introduced in Budimex SA.
Knowledge about social changes and willingness to respond to future challenges for the construction sector were the driving force of the Budimex Group’s initiatives addressed to young generations. The assumed strategic objective, consisting in reaching at least 5,000 school and higher education students with education programs, was achieved through the organization of, among others. 142 events and 27 lectures in technical secondary schools and higher education institutions.
Additionally, as part of its social engagement, Budimex SA conducted in 2023 new editions of the company’s flagship programs focusing on initiatives for the benefit of local communities, equalization of opportunities and education of the youngest generations. For example, the company opened the 42nd Parent Zone in Ełk and initiated the 3rd edition of the Home from the Heart project as part of which it is rebuilding a house of Teresa in Wołomin together with the Polish Development Fund. In 2023, the subject area of the Hello ICE campaign, aimed at promoting knowledge of road traffic among preschoolers and primary schoolers, was extended to include roller skating and scooter or electric bicycle riding.