5. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUSINESS, 5.6. Building awareness in the social area (S), 5.6.1. Development programs in operation in the Budimex Group32F
5.6.1. Development programs in operation in the Budimex Group
Coaching and mentoring
Development activities [1] are offered not only to top management members, but also to middle-level executives, both in central and production units. Coaching is aimed at developing the competences indicated to be strengthened by the employees themselves or their superior. It makes it possible to achieve durable changes in behavior and attitude. leading to the maximalization of the person’s professional and personal potential, and is highly valued by our team members. Coaching is provided in the Budimex Group based on a specific process and is confidential. The company cooperates with over a dozen external coaches in this respect.
In 2023, another edition of the mentoring program, called officially Masterful Synergies, was launched. A record number of mentors and mentees – 40 women and men among whom there were specialists, managers, directors and Management Board members – joined the program. The overall objective of the program is to exchange knowledge and experience and to build cooperation. The goals attained by the mentee by definition support work effectiveness, and thereby the results of the entire Group. The program focuses on technical, expert, managerial and leadership competence building, reinforcing employees’ strengths, preparing for or adapting to new roles, supporting women’s development and teaching how to manage stress and workload. We prepared a cycle of training sessions and webinars for mentors and mentees, as well as information and education materials concerning the project and their roles.
Contractor Academy
A program designed for specialists newly employed in the Budimex Group and those with many years of experience in the organization. The Academy’s purpose is to provide and systematize knowledge on contract terms and to establish a strong team of experts who exchange experience and are a strong partner for businesses. The program was implemented from May 2022 to October 2023 by internal and external trainers for a group of 47 persons. Classes were held in four blocks – contract terms, legal aspects, professional effectiveness and personal effectiveness.
Young Engineer Academy
A development program addressed to newly hired engineers and trainee engineers. Its purpose is to efficiently introduce such persons to work in the organization, exchange experience already gained and build awareness of development opportunities in the Budimex Group. It consists of training sessions and workshops on the economic and formal and legal aspects of production, the building of relationships with external and internal partners, stress management, best communication practices or business security. The program also standardizes the key competences required from engineers and enables them to act more efficiently in accordance with the rules applicable in the Group, Two editions of the program were launched in 2023, 6th and 7th, with a total of 104 participants.
Engineer Academy
A cycle of training courses conducted by internal and external experts in specific fields, implemented in the organization for contract staff. Their participants may broaden and update their technical knowledge and exchange best practices. In 2023, we complemented the Engineer Academy with a waste management module. which was taken by over 100 persons. A similar number of employees participated in training for construction managers and a total of 441 persons took part in the Engineer Academy program last year.
Contract Manager Academy
A program supporting newly appointed contract managers and persons who are being prepared to be promoted for this position with acquiring knowledge, subject-matter competences and managerial skills relating to managing a contract and a team. The Academy is divided into several stages and includes, among others, a module dedicated to the standards applicable at Budimex SA delivered by internal trainers. as well as workshops on business security, negotiations and team management. 43 persons participated in the program in 2023.
Academy for Regional Economic Managers
A program initiated in 2023 in response to the need to update knowledge, and first of all to the changing environment and employees’ expectations and requirements. The purpose of the Academy is the exchange of experience among participants and providing them with management methods and tools. It consists of four modules which are leadership in action, team in change, mental wellbeing and difficult conversations, and I as a female leader/I as a human being. Over 20 employees on average participate in particular Academy for REM modules.
Super Leader
A program aimed at building leadership competences among senior executives and managers by reinforcing strategy communication skills, subordinate team development skills and skills relating to engaging employees in attaining joint goals. It consists of three modules, each of which presents a different leadership style. Before starting group classes, participants undergo an organizational climate diagnosis and a diagnosis of the applied leadership styles to obtain development guidance on this basis, In the following steps, they improve their skills in the course of workshops alternating with coaching sessions and master class sessions and implementation tasks they perform. In addition, each of them receives a set of materials to work on the development of a specific leadership style. In 2023, the third edition of the Super Leader program was completed by 82 persons, to whom feedback was provided at the diagnosis stage by over 610 employees. The program is implemented in cooperation with business partners – leaders in the market of consultancy and training services.
Managerial Stairway
A path for the development of managerial skills, from a beginner manager to a top senior management member, which takes into account the position held, experience to date and the competences necessary for effective management at particular career steps. The program consists of four stages which gradually broaden participants’ knowledge. Its catalogue includes a wide offer of training provided on-site and online by external trainers. Workshops are held periodically for closed and open groups. In 2023, 240 persons completed training for beginner managers.
Leadership webinars for managers
60/90-minute meetings with the participation of external experts, aimed at inspiring managers to develop emotional intelligence, to care for mental wellbeing, to build relationships in teams, to enhance their vital energy and to effectively appreciate subordinates.
Ironclad Success
A program supporting the career development of women in the Budimex Group, making it also possible to increase their number in managerial positions. It consists of four workshops delivered by external experts (“My skills, my talents, my new self”, “My personal effectiveness”, “My inner self as a female manager”, “My brand, my authority”), between which participants carry out implementation tasks supporting the development of the acquired skills. The 3rd edition, which started in 2022, ended in the second half of 2023. 47 female employees of the Budimex Group – from specialists to managers – participated in it.
Internal Trainers
A program launched in 2023 with the aim of building an internal trainer community and enabling internal trainers to exchange experience and best practices and to mutually inspire one another to develop and broaden knowledge, as well as at improving the effectiveness of internal training. 44 employees enrolled for the program as part of which we prepared training sessions on performing a trainer’s role for them.
Programs for the development of interpersonal skills, addressed to specialists and managers, are also implemented in the Budimex Group. They have the form of development paths divided into several main stages, taking into account successive levels of progress in acquiring competences.
Communication Stairway
An important factor enhancing effective communication and cooperation in the Budimex Group is a possibility of conducting an individual analysis of an employee in accordance with the Extended DISC model. It is an examination that makes it possible to know the natural predispositions of a person; it is based on self-reflection – the participant self-assesses their behavior in specific situations. The main areas under analysis are behavior and communication styles manifesting themselves in the professional sphere. After the examination, the employee usually participates in a webinar the purpose of which is to become familiar with the Extended DISC model and to prepare for work with the individual report on one’s own. There are certified employees in the Budimex Group who are authorized to provide Extended DISC feedback. In 2023, 193 persons participated in communication path programs.
Negotiation Stairway
We offer a themed training package to employees for whom negotiations are a component of their daily work. It makes it possible to systematize and standardize the knowledge of negotiation techniques, strategies and barriers, but also to get to know one’s strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator and to teach how to manage emotions in the course of a negotiation process. In 2023, 79 employees participated in training as part of this path.
Language Training
In connection with a dynamic growth in foreign markets. 2023 was a time of extremely intense development of language skills for the Budimex Group. We prepared an offer addressed to persons who actively use foreign language skills in their daily work. We made it possible for them to learn English, German, Slovak and Czech individually, in groups or in intensive language courses. Company employees also participated in intensive Total Immersion courses, both in Poland and abroad.
Table: Average hours of training in 2023
[GRI 404-1] [ESRS S1-13]
Where attending all the meetings was required to get credit for the course, training which was not completed in full was not included in the number of training hours. On the other hand, each non-obligatory training which was started was taken into account, with only the hours actually attended by employees being included in the total number of training hours.
Table: Number of employees upgrading employee skills in 2023
[GRI 404-2]
Table: Number of employees upgrading employee skills in 2022

Table: Number of training hours broken down by selected topics in Budimex SA in 2023
[GRI 404-1] [ESRS S1-13]
Table: Number of training hours broken down by selected topics in Budimex Group

In the report for 2022, the table concerning the number of employees trained in selected topics in fact showed the number of training hours delivered. Data concerning the number of training hours broken down by selected topics is presented above, whereas data concerning the number of employees trained in selected topics is presented below and it covers 2023 only.
Table: Number of employees trained in selected topics in 2023
In 2023, Budimex SA allocated a total of PLN 8.6 million for employee training, including PLN 2.2 million for women and PLN 6.4 million for men. In Mostostal Kraków SA, this amount totaled PLN 394,791, of which the amounts allocated for women and men were respectively PLN 142,375 and PLN 251,416, and in the FBSerwis Group this amount was PLN 396,680.
Feedback for employees
We pay a lot of attention to the building of awareness of the importance of feedback – provided by the manager to the employee, but also by the employee to the manager. A broad range of materials concerning the rules for providing such feedback is available on the company’s intranet. One of the key tools for communicating to employees what their strengths and the diagnosed areas for development are is a dialogue with the direct superiors held, among others, in the course of the annual performance review process.
Table: Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews in 2023
[GRI 404-3]
Table: Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews in 2022

Health Foundations
Employees are supported not only in their career and personal development, but also in caring for their physical and mental health. In 2023, the Health Foundations program was launched, as part of which webinars, training sessions and sports events relating to these issues are held among other things.
A number of webinars promoting preventive healthcare and building the awareness of the need to care for wellbeing were organized. To mark the International Day of Health, a webinar entitled “Do you know what you eat? How to read labels?” was given and employees were invited to attend preventive health workshops with a psycho-oncologist from the Rak’n’Roll Foundation entitled “What to do when an illness occurs in the work environment?”. Other webinars concerning preventive healthcare proposed on this occasion to company employees were “How to take care of the heart”. “How not to go crazy in today’s world” or “Occupational burnout – the edge of a breakdown or a chance for a new beginning”.
In October 2023, during the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Budimex SA organized a webinar entitled “How to prevent breast cancer and cervix cancer”, and in November, as part of the Movember campaign, or the International Month of Action Against Men’s Cancer, a webinar entitled “Testicular cancer and prostate cancer – causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention” was given.
Physical activity is promoted among employees, Sporting competitions are organized, including e.g. running, walking or cycling, and the company also encourages employees to actively train and participate in competitions. Its representation took part in the 8th edition of the Polish National Volleyball Championship of Roadworkers, which it won. Employees also participated in the Polish Cross-Industry Grand Prix in Indoor Football, winning the second place.
All employees are offered a very good healthcare package and a physical activity package as part of the MultiSport card.
With the aim of building employees’ mental resilience, the company invites them to attend training on stress management techniques, and managers to attend training on stress management at work in a managerial position.
[1] The quantitative remuneration data presented in this section refer only to employees employed on the Polish market.