3.3. ESG strategy, 3.3.2. Commitments and goals in the social area, Our commitments

3.3.2. Commitments and goals in the social area

We empower employees and business partners because we know that only dialogue is a guarantee of sustainable growth.


We are a company that integrates generations


Our strength lies in building diversity. We value both experience and innovation, which is why we form close-knit, strong and multi-generational teams. We believe in equal access to work. We are breaking stereotypes, especially in the perception of the role of women in construction. For years, we have been increasing their share of the workforce, including in managerial positions. We enable them to develop in tailored leadership programs. At the same time, we take care to level the playing field in the area of wages – we have established a dedicated fund for this purpose. Continuously building team competence and strong leadership is one of the pillars of Budimex Group’s activities. By developing key business areas, we support our employees and motivate them to succeed.

Our strategic goals:

2026      Strive to maintain a voluntary turnover rate of no more than 8.5%

2026      Aim for a GPGR (gender pay gap ratio) [1] of less than 9%

2026      GCR (glass ceiling ratio) – Aim to increase the percentage of women in middle and senior management at 22% (up from 19% in 2022).

We guarantee safe and decent work


Every day we do everything to ensure the safety of our employees and the participants of the projects we implement and their beneficiaries. Our strategy in this area is based on two pillars: “Always Safe, Always Ready”. Its foundations are accountability, dialogue within teams, and the constant search for and implementation of new solutions to support the creation of a safe workplace. This idea guides not only us. We also promote it to our stakeholders and the business community – subcontractors and business partners, as part of our annual Safety Week.

Our strategic goals:

Each year, top management will make regular safety visits to contract performance sites combined with meetings with company employees and business partners

annually               Conduct of training and programs to promote a safety culture with 100% of employees

annually               Organization of Safety Week in the Budimex Group for at least 90% of contracts

We are a good neighbor and we strengthen our relations


We are aware that through our projects we significantly affect the daily life of local communities. Our goal is to improve people’s quality of life, but we are not indifferent to their needs – here and now. We are open to dialogue. We regularly meet with local stakeholders, listen to their expectations and make every effort to maintain good neighborly relations. We support local initiatives, facilitate communication around ongoing projects and join in charitable activities, building valuable relationships for years to come. Promoting areas that are important to the Budimex Group – development and education – we establish contacts with universities and technical schools in the regions, offering programs that prepare people for work in the construction industry. By sharing our experience, we believe we are enabling younger generations to have a better start in the future.

Our strategic goals:

Conduct educational programs in schools and technical colleges for 5,000 students each year.

2023      No less than 50 outreach activities on all ongoing contracts

[1] Gender pay gap ratio, calculated in accordance with the methodology adopted for all Ferrovial companies.