4.1. Environmental impact management, 4.1.6. Biodiversity, Environmental responsibility
4.1.6. Biodiversity
Biodiversity refers to the diversity of ecosystems and species. It is essential for the environment and humans because it provides the functions that sustain ecosystems.
[GRI 3-3]
Budimex SA. when executing projects commissioned by investors (e.g. General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe (Polish Railways)). relies strictly on contractual documentation provided by them (e.g. decision on environmental conditions, location decision, design). The company does not participate in decisions on the course and location of the projects, so it has no influence on whether or not a particular project is carried out in protected areas. It also has no influence on the number of trees to be cut down in connection with the construction of a new road, for example, nor does it decide the number of animal crossings planned. Nevertheless, it does take measures to minimize losses in the natural potential of the areas where it carries out the construction in question. To this end, Budimex SA has implemented standards for:
- ensuring effective protection of trees and shrubs from damage or destruction during construction work,
- ensuring effective protection and minimizing losses to amphibian populations during construction activities,
- organization of work in the proximity of watercourses and bodies of water in order to make it safe for the aquatic environment how to perform work in the riverbed or in the basin of a lake. pond or sea. as well as on the shoreline of watercourses and bodies of water,
- organization of drainage works to protect water from suspended solids emissions.
In addition, when felling trees and shrubs interfering with the project, supervision is exercised to ensure compliance with the investor’s documentation. This is to avoid cutting down plants not intended for removal. The company also carries out activities aimed at improving biodiversity by carrying out voluntary – not covered by contractual documentation – plantings of vegetation, installing nesting boxes for birds or bats, creating refuge points for lizards, erecting herpetological fences to limit losses in amphibian populations, or installing floating islands for aquatic animals – depending on interference and environmental needs.
[GRI 304-1] [GRI 304-2] [ESRS E4-5]
In 2023 Budimex SA was performing more than 200 contracts. In 58 cases, projects encroached on areas covered by one of the forms of nature protection:
- nature reserve (4 cases),
- national park (3 cases),
- landscape park (6 cases),
- protected landscape area (10 cases),
- Natura 2000 area (29 cases),
- area under plant species protection (2 cases),
- area under animal species protection (1 case),
- nature and landscape complex (1 case),
- natural monument (1 case),
- ecological land (1 case).
In 9 cases, the work was carried out in the immediate vicinity of plots of land where protected areas have been delineated:
- national park (1 case),
- landscape park (1 case),
- protected landscape area (1 case),
- Natura 2000 area (5 cases),
- natural monument (1 case).
Budimex, as a general contractor, has no influence on the location of the projects, but nevertheless takes measures to mitigate the impact of the construction process on protected areas. It carries out its activities through:
- implementation of the work in accordance with applicable standards in the area of environmental protection (these are described in Section 4.1.),
- implementation of internal and external environmental supervision,
- training for own employees and business partners,
- information campaigns to build environmental awareness.
Supervision of this area in the company is exercised by the ESG, Quality and Environmental Protection Department [1].
In its operations, Mostostal Kraków SA strives to minimize negative impacts on the environment, surroundings and biodiversity. As at Budimex SA, during works the company follows national regulations (including the provisions of the Waste Act and the Environmental Protection Law), as well as internal operating instructions and Environmental Protection Standards, Examples of these instructions include:
- Instructions for handling waste at the construction site and WKS [2],
- Environmental emergencies and incidents.
In 2023, within the scope of Mostostal Kraków SA’s operations, there was 1 case of conducting work near Natura 2000 areas. There, the company acted as a subcontractor to Budimex SA.
The FBSerwis Group strives as hard as possible to reduce the negative impact of its operations on the environment, biodiversity and local communities. To this end, it strictly adheres to the provisions of the applicable legal acts, with particular emphasis on the provisions of the Environmental Protection Law, the Waste Act, the Water Law and the related regulations, which regulate, among other things, waste storage or detailed requirements for collecting municipal waste from property owners. The group also complies with local laws.[1] Until February 2024 under the name of Procurement, Quality and Environmental Protection Department.
[2] WKS – Wytwórnia Konstrukcji Stalowych (Steel Construction Plant).