3.2. Budimex Group’s contribution to Agenda 2030, Our commitments
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an important determinant of the Budimex Group’s activities. They are enshrined in the United Nations resolution “Transforming Our World. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” with its 169 assigned tasks. The document, as highlighted in its preamble, is a roadmap to 2030 for people, planet and prosperity, and its implementation will ensure a balance between the three aspects of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
In 2022, Budimex SA joined the Partnership for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals coordinated by the Ministry of Development and Technology. On 30 June 2023, the Budimex Group announced its ESG Strategy for 2023-2026. This is the first document of its kind to define precisely the company’s commitments in the environmental (E), social (S) and governance (G) areas.
The company’s strategic activities allow it to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensuring proper working conditions and raising awareness of physical and mental health is a prerequisite for employees’ wellbeing and high levels of motivation. That is why employees of the Budimex Group can benefit from, among other things, a private medical benefits package, health webinars, and a range of activities and training to raise their awareness in the area of occupational safety.Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Operating in the rapidly changing construction industry, which is important for sustainable development, motivates the Budimex Group to continuously improve and expand its knowledge. Among other things, the company offers employees a wide catalog of professional and development courses and training. Through cooperation with technical schools and universities, it is increasing the number of people with high professional competence.

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
In line with business diversification, the Budimex Group is increasing its involvement in green energy and sustainable transportation projects. Group companies are investing in renewable energy sources, as well as developing a national electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Our goal is that by 2026, 100% of the electricity consumed by Budimex is generated from renewable sources by Budimex Group companies.Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
The company’s priority is to create a safe and stable workplace for years to come. To this end, the Budimex Group continuously develops and implements policies and procedures in the areas of respect for diversity, anti-discrimination and anti-mobbing, and compliance, among others. In addition, the company promotes construction jobs to high school and college students. Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
In view of its business profile, the Budimex Group is making a fundamental contribution to the development of reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure in Poland in support of sustainable social and economic development. This is possible, among other things, through innovation. The company has a specialized cell dedicated to this area.Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
The Budimex Group supports the transformation of the construction industry to a circular economy being aware of the negative environmental effects caused by the construction sector’s increasing demand for natural resources.Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
In order to minimize its climate impact, the Budimex Group, among other things, is reducing the energy and material intensity of its operations and increasing the share of energy obtained from zero-carbon sources in the mix of purchased energy. To more effectively reduce its carbon footprint, the company has expanded its identification of greenhouse gas emissions to include Scope 3. An important contribution of the company to climate change adaptation is the search for design solutions that can withstand extreme weather events.Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
The Budimex Group undertakes numerous measures to protect ecosystems in the vicinity of its projects. They concern, among other things, reducing construction noise and protecting biodiversity.
The Budimex Group makes a particularly significant contribution, in connection with its business model, to goals 7, 8 and 9.
As it continues to expand the scope of its activities in the sustainability area, the Budimex Group is also increasingly contributing to the achievement of two further goals adopted by the international community:
Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all through sustainable management of water
The Budimex Group will be one of the first companies in Poland to measure its water footprint, i.e. its impact on water resources, in order to develop a comprehensive plan based on scientific knowledge for further activities to reduce the intake and consumption of this valuable resource.Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
The construction of modern roads, bridges, railroads and stations is the subject of a large proportion of the Budimex Group’s contracts, which is crucial for expanding access to safe and sustainable transportation systems, including public transportation. In addition, the company is developing the infrastructure of local government transportation companies, including responding to the challenges of a sustainable future (electric vehicle charging stations).