In April 2023, Budimex SA and Ferrovial S.E. established a new joint venture, BXF Energia, in which they hold a 51% and 49% stake, respectively. The purpose of the joint venture is to initiate and develop large-scale renewable electricity generation projects. This electricity is intended to satisfy part of the Budimex Group’s demand, but may also to be sold to external customers.

BXF Energia’s portfolio includes photovoltaic projects and wind farms at various stages of development with a total capacity of approx. 305 MW at yearend 2023. Moreover, the company continues the construction of the Magnolia and Kamelia large-scale plants acquired by Budimex SA in an M&A transaction. It is also in the process of reviewing potential investments in project at various stages of development with a total capacity of approx. 800 MW.


Wind farm purchased by Budimex SA in 2022 at the ready-to-build phase. It consists of two turbines with a total capacity of up to 7 MW. In January 2023, the project obtained financing under a project finance formula from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The plant was put into operation in the second half of the year. By the end of December, it generated and fed into the grid 8.2 GWh of electricity.


A photovoltaic farm project purchased by Budimex SA in November 2022 at the ready-to-build phase. Following the completion of construction work, a 14 MW plant will be put into operation to cover a significant portion of the company’s demand for electricity.


In 2022, Budimex Mobility (formerly, Budimex PPP), a member of the Budimex Group, launched operations aimed at establishing a network of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations across the country. The company’s technology partner is Elocity, one of the most advanced platforms maintaining vehicle charging stations in Poland.

In 2023, Budimex Mobility put into operation 158 AC stations (slow-charging, alternating-current, 11-44 kW) and DC (fast-charging, direct-current, 30-180 kW) stations, mostly in Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Lubuskie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodships. A significant portion of the charging points made available to the public are chargers acquired by the company through tenders from PGE and the Enea Group.

Moreover, the company is a beneficiary of the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management’s priority program called “Support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure and hydrogen refueling infrastructure.” As part of the Connecting Europe Facility, the company will build 9 charging stations along the TEN-T road network. In turn, aid from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is intended for the construction or reconstruction of a publicly accessible network of charging stations with a capacity of no less than 50-150 kW and includes points in five locations.

By 2026, Budimex Mobility intends to make available another 300-350 charging stations to the general public through both a comprehensive organic expansion of its network and acquisitions. The company is also actively working to grow its own electromobility by increasing the share of electric vehicles in the Budimex fleet.

The current list of stations operated by the company may be viewed in the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Register at: https://eipa.udt.gov.pl/.