6. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 6.3. Raising awareness in the governance area[G]

6.3. Raising awareness in the governance area[G]

[GRI 2-17]

In 2023, numerous projects were completed in the Budimex Group, aiming to raise awareness and expand knowledge of employees in the area of issues regarding the ethical operation of the Group companies in compliance with the law and internal regulations.

Issues such as preventing corruption and conflicts of interest, responsibility of collective entities, financial and environmental risks, cybersecurity and whistleblowing were discussed in several training programs, including Witaj w Grupie (‘Welcome to the Group’), Akademia Młodego Inżyniera (‘Young Engineer Academy’) or Akademia Inżyniera Kontraktu (‘Contract Engineer Academy’). An additional training course devoted to the topic of compliance was addressed to employees of specific organizational units and foreign markets: Slovak and German. In November 2023, there was also an all-day workshop for the top management of the Budimex Group, 1093 persons participated altogether in the compliance training conducted in the Group last year.

Furthermore, in 2023, a compliance communication strategy in the Budimex Group was developed. The project is oriented to the achievement of the following objectives:

  • raising awareness of compliance among employees and business partners,
  • employee involvement in building an ethical organizational culture, which employees will recognize as part of their own value system (integrity),
  • building a safe workplace by taking compliance principles into account in everyday activities,
  • making employees aware of the importance of identifying and reporting all types of breaches.

A compliance information campaign will be carried out in 2024.