6. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 6.4. Summary of achievement of corporate governance (G) area goals in 2023
6.4. Summary of achievement of corporate governance (G) area goals in 2023
The trust in the Budimex Group and its strong market position result, among others factors, from highly ethical and high-quality work as well as the company’s careful compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations. All the activities in the area of corporate governance are connected with the Company’s corporate values, its long-term history and experience and are consistent with the obligations defined in the ESG Strategy for 2023-2026. They are also consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals about: economic growth and decent work (goal 8) and innovation (goal 9).
In 2023, solutions were implemented in Budimex SA making it possible to manage and supervise each of the ESG areas in the organization, also with regard to potential risks. Workshops were performed, among others, aiming to identify ESG risks and opportunities, as part of testing double materiality, with the participation of the owners of business processes.
Work was also continued on updating and developing internal procedures policies regarding, among others, counteracting conflicts of interest and corruptive events and reporting them. In the area of cybersecurity, one goal defined in the ESG Strategy was achieved by implementing safeguards based on Microsoft 365 cloud solutions.
At the same time, activities were intensified to raise employees’ awareness and a strategic obligation was fulfilled by revising and expanding the Code of Conduct. The document was prepared and will be implemented in the organization in the coming months, similarly to the Manual for dealing with situations where conflicts of interest occur or may occur. In the previous year, a compliance communication strategy was developed as well and it is to be implemented in 2024.
In the training area, in accordance with a goal defined in the ESG Strategy for 2023, classes in the compliance area were organized and a total of 1093 employees participated in them in the entire Budimex Group.
With respect to internal audit, all audits of business processes were completed in accordance with the adopted schedule for 2023.