2.4. Budimex Group’s governing bodies, About Budimex Group

2.4. Budimex Group’s governing bodies

[GRI 2-9] [GRI 2-11] [ESRS GOV-1]

Management Board composition

As at 31 December 2023, the Management Board of Budimex SA consisted of the following members:

  • Artur Popko – President of the Management Board, Director General,
  • Jacek Daniewski – Management Board Member, Director of the Legal and Organizational Division,
  • Anna Karyś-Sosińska – Management Board Member, Director of the Human Resources Division,
  • Maciej Olek – Management Board Member, Chief Operating Officer of Railway, Power and Industrial Construction,
  • Cezary Łysenko – Management Board Member, Chief Operating Officer of Infrastructure,
  • Marcin Węgłowski – Management Board Member, Director of the Economic and Financial Division.

On 6 February 2023, the Supervisory Board suspended Mr. Artur Pielech from the Management Board of Budimex SA. On 30 March 2023, the Supervisory Board dismissed Mr. Artur Pielech from the company’s Management Board.

The members of the management body do not hold any positions within the company outside the area of responsibility defined in the aforementioned job title.

Composition of the Supervisory Board

As at 31 December 2023, the Supervisory Board of Budimex SA consisted of the following members:

  • Marek Michałowski – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
  • Juan Ignacio Gaston Najarro – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
  • Igor Adam Chalupec – Secretary of the Supervisory Board,
  • Janusz Dedo – member of the Supervisory Board,
  • Artur Kucharski – member of the Supervisory Board,
  • Danuta Dąbrowska – member of the Supervisory Board,
  • Silvia Rodríguez Hueso – member of the Supervisory Board,
  • Ignacio Aitor Garcia Bilbao – member of the Supervisory Board,
  • Mario Manuel Menendez Montoya – member of the Supervisory Board.

On 30 March 2023, the Supervisory Board was enlarged with a new member Mr. Silvia Rodríguez Hueso with effect from 1 April 2023. As of 27 April 2023, Mr. Dariusz Blocher resigned as a member of the Supervisory Board.

Members of the Supervisory Board do not perform operational functions in the company. Some members of the Supervisory Board serve on Supervisory Board committees. The compositions of the Supervisory Board Committees are presented in Section 6.

Neither the Management Board nor the Supervisory Board includes representatives of stakeholders, such as a trade union delegate, yet both these corporate bodies take into account the results of dialogue with the social environment in their decisions. The scope and mechanisms of this dialogue are described subsections 6.1.1. and 5.8.1.

The Supervisory Board is made up of experienced managers, engineers and academics (law, economics, banking, auditing), which is a significant advantage for the company in terms of potentially complementing the competence of the Management Board and being able to provide it with information and guidance in specialized areas.

Full information about the education and career paths of the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board is published by the company on the website https://www.budimex.pl/pl/o-budimex/wladze.