1. letter from The President, Letter from the President

Letter from the President

Dear Stakeholders, Budimex Group’s Business and Community Partners!

We present the Budimex Group’s integrated report for 2023. In the report, we show how we are turning challenging environmental plans and social goals into measurable results. In these difficult times, we are not afraid to challenge ourselves to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. I would like to thank every employee who has contributed to our sustainability efforts.

In 2023, the construction sector stabilized after the difficulties caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Poland is now considered the largest construction site in Europe due to its large number of projects, especially in infrastructure. Although local conditions are favorable, we are not a green island – we face the same problems as other European Union countries, such as soaring costs and insufficient availability of workers.

In order to strengthen our potential in the sustainability area and to be even more responsive to the challenges of the future, we announced the ESG Strategy 2023-2026 with an outlook until 2050. The document systematizes our approach and plans in the environmental, social and governance areas. At its core are strategic goals that address key challenges for the construction sector and are consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They will set the pace for our operations.

As a proactive company, we focus on sustainable development. In 2023, we continued to increase our commitment to green energy. We invested in photovoltaics and in electrifying our vehicle fleet, and all the electricity we obtained from third-party suppliers came from renewable sources, which is confirmed by relevant guarantees.

We are raising the environmental awareness of our employees. Last year, they had the opportunity to take part in a grant program and win funds for grassroots projects in the ESG area, including education or climate change prevention projects. There has been a significant increase in the number of employees involved in research and development projects.

In the environment area, and of particular relevance in the context of the current environmental situation, is our promise to reduce CO₂ emissions from Scopes 1 and 2 by 20% by 2030 compared to 2020, and to aim for climate neutrality by 2050. Because of the focus of our activities, a significant positive impact will come from developing and implementing a circularity policy. In the social and governance area, in turn, one should mention especially, among other things, the annual implementation of training and programs to promote a safety culture on our construction sites, the further equalization of wages between men and women, and the launch of a process of systemic identification and analysis of ESG risks.

I am convinced that by adopting a sustainable development perspective, we will collectively turn the current challenges into success.

I invite you to read the report and reflect on the Budimex Group’s efforts for a better, sustainable future.

Artur Popko
President of the Budimex SA Management Board