Financial statement

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Note31 December 201831 December 2017
Issued capital 19145 848145 848
Share premium 1980 19980 199
Other reserves1951 35652 452
Cumulative translation differences7 1595 682
Retained earnings19322 012449 995
Total shareholders’ equity 606 574734 176
Non-current (long-term) liabilities
Loans, borrowings and other external sources of finance 2088 17145 885
Retentions for construction contracts 27213 836192 314
Provisions for long -term liabilities and other charges 24271 771219 909
Retirement benefits and similar obligations 2310 1087 857
Other financial liabilities15-713
Total non-current (long-term) liabilities 583 886466 678
Current (short-term) liabilities
Loans, borrowings and other external sources of finance 2042 08226 381
Trade and other payables 211 641 8991 579 248
Retentions for construction contracts 27205 048207 272
Provisions for construction contract losses25159 036234 876
Valuation of construction contracts25583 918767 855
Deferred income 26378 465671 844
Provisions for short-term liabilities and other charges 24174 929157 814
Retirement benefits and similar obligations 231 122985
Other financial liabilities156806 153
Total current (short-term) liabilities3 187 1793 652 428
Total liabilities3 771 0654 119 106

ASSETS31.12.201831.12.2017ZmianaZmiana %
Fixed assets (long-term)988 641927 33461 3076,6%
Tangible fixed assets258 123162 42295 70158,9%
Investment properties28 36524 6233 74215,2%
Intangible assets28 38930 163(1 774)(5,9%)
Goodwill of subsidiary units73 23773 237-0%
Investments in units valuated according to equity method37 42739 228(1 801)(4,6%)
Financial assets available for sale9 7789 5012772,9%
Retentions for construction contracts49 10330 13818 96562,9%
Trade receivables and other receivables21 80739 341(17 534)(44,6%)
Concession contract receivables46 41646 440(24)(0,1%)
Other financial assets74 14567 0337 11210,6%
Deferred income tax assets361 851405 208(43 357)(10,7%)
Current assets (short-term)4 467 7105 070 022(602 312)11,9%
Inventories1 611 8131 425 100186 71313,1%
Trade receivables and other receivables819 300689 939129 36118,7%
Retentions for construction contracts28 31127 8124991,8%
Amounts due from recipients for construction contracts561 537483 50178 03616,1%
Current income tax assets33 10230 2982 8049,3%
Other financial assets4 495286 533(282 038)(98,4%)
Cash and cash equivalents1 409 1522 126 839(717 687)(33,7%)
TOTAL ASSETS5 456 3515 997 356(541 005)(9,0%)