In the Budimex Group, the Health and Safety Protection Plan (BIOZ Plan) standard is valid. It describes rules of safe conduct when employees rotate among construction sites. Every employee in the contract, regardless of being employed in the Budimex Group or by a subcontractor cooperating with us, must undergo training within the scope of OHS and internal safety procedures applicable within the Group. At the beginning of every project, there occurs the so-called “Contract Start” – the contract management meets with an OHS specialist and an environmental protection specialist to discuss the required procedures. One of the priorities for 2018 was, among others, the preparation of OHS communication for foreigners working on construction sites.
The training system and separate OHS procedures of the Budimex Group constitute voluntary additional actions, which we take as a responsible employer. Training takes place more often than ordered by law. The training programme is co-created and assessed by employees, as well as it is consulted with them. OHS training is divided into mandatory and systemic training. In 2018, we trained 2,000 employees, while 414 persons benefited from the first aid training.