The strategic approach to corporate social responsibility has been defined in the Company's Responsibility Policy, in which the Group undertakes to act for the development of society by improving the level of life of citizens and simultaneous creation of the value for shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. The Policy applies to the entire Group, to all companies.
In 2018, we were implementing the "2016-2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for the Budimex Group". The CSR strategy is consistent with the business strategy and refers directly to it. Based on the assumptions of the CSR strategy and key responsibility areas of the Budimex Group, eight priorities of social responsibility were identified. They were assigned with specific activities and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), whose implementation is regularly monitored and enforced. Specific objectives and performance indicators were defined, which should be achieved during that four-year period, and mid-range targets, approved and regularly monitored by the CSR Committee.
The Corporate Responsibility Principles included therein have been developed based on the Global Compact Guidelines:
- Ethical and responsible conduct in all activities;
- Respect for human rights;
- Transparency and application of best practices in corporate governance;
- Contribution to the socio-economic development;
- Reduction of environmental impact, fighting climate change and efficient resource management;
- Promotion of responsible supply chain activities;
- Protection of health and safety of employees and contribution to equality, diversity and balance between work and private life;
- Innovation as an element of competitiveness and value creation;
- Stakeholder engagement;
- Financial stability and long-term perspective.
The CSR Committee and the Communications Department are responsible for their implementation.
Strategy Priorities | Objectives | KPI 2020 to measure the level of objective accomplishment | Examples of activities |
I. Improvement of the occupational health and safety standards | Objective: zero fatal accidents among the Company's employees and persons employed by subcontractors operating on the construction site | 0 fatal accidents | Provision of collective and personal protective equipment |
Objective: lowering the incidence rate among the Budimex employees | % of equipped construction sites with full trained staff, i.e. ~100% of the last year's rate value | Improvement of the first aid system through gradual provision of contracts with first aid equipment | |
Objective: lowering the accident severity index among the Budimex employees | <100% of the last year's index value | Permanent OHS training for employees | |
II. Reduction of the environmental impact | Objective: Effective use of energy and reduction of related emissions | 2.8 - TOE (Tonnes of Oil Equivalent) / 1 million of sales revenue | Reduction of average fuel consumption in cars and related CO2 emission |
Objective: Optimum use of raw materials and materials and minimisation of generated waste | N/A | Increased effectiveness of selective management of operating waste: e.g. filters, oils, clothing and working clothes | |
Objective: Control of environmental risks and environmental damage and emergency prevention | 0 - number of emergencies / 1 million revenue | Implementation and development of tools for estimating environmental risks "MARS" (Environmental Risk Analysis Module) | |
III. Being a neighbour and guest in local communities | Objective: zero environment-related conflicts that would contribute to the cessation of works | 0 - number of environment-related conflicts | Social involvement of Budimex for the benefit of local communities in which Budimex is active |
IV. Elimination of the risk of unethical conduct | Objective: zero unverified cases of potential unethical conduct | 0 - number of unverified ethical incidents | Promotion of the Code of Ethics among subcontractors' employees |
V. Development of unique competencies and friendly workplace atmosphere | Objective: maximisation of the personnel satisfaction index | ≥ 100% of the last research value | Provision of development programmes, including managerial programmes |
VI. Top quality assurance | Objective: maximisation of the Quality Conformance (QC) index | ≥ 100% of the last year's value | Reduction of the warranty repair costs |
VII. Support of the culture of innovations | Objective: increase in innovativeness | ≥ 100% of the last year's value | Modernisation of the R&D unit |
VIII. Provision of surveillance mechanisms for social and environmental results of activities | Objective: provision of reliable financial and non-financial reporting | Implemented - annual financial and non-financial data reporting | Regular meetings of the CSR Committee and the Supervisory Board |
The CSR strategy is supervised by the CSR Committee composed of representatives of the company's Management Board and representatives of organisational units responsible for various aspects of business activity.