Integrated report 2019
Logo Budimex

Raw materials and materials

Raw materials and materials

GRI: [ 301-1 ]
Raw material / material Unit of measurement Budimex SA
2018 2019
Paper thousands of tonnes 0,1  0,094
Wood thousand m3 14,03  10,89
Asphalt thousands of tonnes 78,84  57,76
Cement thousands of tonnes 231,98  99,86
Concrete thousand m3 1681,39  870,40
Hydraulic binders thousands of tonnes 316,26  100,96
Lime dust thousands of tonnes 55,16  29,73
Steel thousands of tonnes 78,76 109,49
Asphalt aggregates thousands of tonnes 1 660,75 1 102,55
Hydro-technical aggregates thousands of tonnes 230,67  163,82
Railway aggregates thousands of tonnes 467,14  1172,65
Other aggregates thousands of tonnes 19 224,79 21 342,00

Note: The decrease in the contracting of asphalt aggregate results from the fact that the production of mineral-asphalt mixes was reduced compared to the same period in 2018. The increase in consumption of railway and steel aggregates is related to the increase in the share of railway projects in the portfolio of the Company’s orders.

Consumption of raw materials constituting their reuse

GRI: [ 301-2 ]
Category of recovered raw material unit of measurement Budimex SA
2016 2017 2018 2019
Combustion by-products thousands of tonnes 37,61 20,07 6,03  –
Soil thousands of tonnes 1 686,73 1 380,20 1 706,51  86,66
Rubble thousands of tonnes 91,99 44,32  24,47
Crushed asphalt thousands of tonnes 66,05 64,77  31,56
Aggregate thousands of tonnes 8,69 0  –
Track ballast thousands of tonnes 65,79 39,24  0,29
Loose materials reused as % of purchased aggregates 1,8% 8,2% 8,6% 0,7 %

Note: With regard to the re-use of soil due to the change of the provisions of the Waste Act, there have been difficulties in obtaining permits for recovery/processing of waste, while entering the finishing phase of the works makes the volume of earthworks smaller than in previous years.

Fuel and electricity consumption

GRI: [ 302-1 ]
Energy source and energy sources* unit of measurement Budimex Group including Budimex
2018 2019 2018 2019
Diesel oil GJ 370560,04 539 988,79 356849,89 426396,15
tonne 8617,68 12 557,88 8298,83 9916,19
Petrol GJ 22319,78 24 937,95 19668,3 21803,86
tonne 503,83 562,94 443,98 492,19
Light fuel oil GJ 41244,02 24 052,12 40791,59 23618,33
tonne 959,16 559,35 948,64 549,26
Heavy fuel oil /LSC/ GJ 0 12,44 0 0
tonne 0 0,31 0 0
Electrical energy GJ 96809,32 91329,12 85794,28 66335,14
MWh 26891,08 25 505,69 23831,75 18426,43
Electrical energy from renewable sources GJ 24742,07 9 157,93 24742,07 9821,21
MWh 6872,80 2 543,87 6872,80 2728,11
Heat energy GJ 41585,97 41 293,07 41291,29 40135,46
MWh 11551,66 11 470,10 11469,8 11148,74
Coal dust GJ 461873,80 292 849,28 461873,8 292849,28
tonne 22312,74 14 147,31 22312,74 14147,31
Network Natural Gas GJ 19457,26 28 995,13 8411,47 9516,40
tonne 405,36 604,07 175,24 198,26
LPG GJ 337,93 113,81 287,87 113,23
tonne 7,14 2,41 6,09 2,39
Propane gas GJ 5344,87 5 225,48 932,06 847,52
tonne 113,00 110,48 19,71 17,92
Total GJ 1084275,07 954131,48 1040642,61 891436,57
Toe:/tona oleju ekwiwalentnego/ 25897,47 22 891,41 24855,32 21291,60
Energetic efficiency GJ/ mln. PLN 146,05 121,38
Toe/mln. PLN 3,49 2,90

Note: Budimex SA treats all energy utilities purchased by it as direct consumption. All fuels are consumed by machines and devices owned by Budimex. Despite the fact that part of the electricity is consumed by subcontractors, it is also treated as direct consumption, because no separation mechanisms have been introduced for electricity consumed separately by Budimex and subcontractors.

Data regarding the FBSerwis Group are estimates at the beginning of February 2020 and were not subject to verification by an independent auditor.

Purchase of energy from renewable sources

GRI: [ 302-1 ]
Use of renewable energy unit of measurement Budimex SA
2017 2018 2019 Change
Purchase of renewable energy GJ 24253,87 24671,46  9649,25 -60,9%
Production of renewable energy 11,45 70,62  171,97 143,5%
Total: 24265,32 24742,07 9821,22 -60,3
Reduction CO2 emission /purchase/ tonne 5469,25 5563,41  2175,90 -60,9
Reduction CO2 emission /production/ 2,58 15,92  38,78  143,5%
Purchase of CO2 Absorption Units /carbon offset/ 8 000 0
Total: 5471,83  13579,34  2214,68 -83,7%
Efficiency tonne/PLN million 0,93 1,90  0,30 -84,2%

CO2 emission

GRI: [ 305-1, 305-2 ]
CO2 emission unit of measurement Mostostal Kraków SA Budimex Nieruchomości Sp. z o.o. FBSerwis SA** Budimex SA
2018 2019 2018 2019 2019 2018 2019
Direct emission (scope 1) tonnes 1481,6 1348,45 599,38 1108,83 6754,82 76474,8 64041,40
Indirect emission (scope 2) tonnes 1570,91 1322,76 775,80 1226,18 2995,10 19330,69 14 958,57
Total: * tonnes 3052,51 2671,21 1 375,18 2335,01 9749,92 95805,49
(12,32 ton/mln. PLN)
78 999,97
(10,77 ton/mln. PLN)

* All quantities relate to internal consumption (Range 1, Range 2).

** Data regarding the FBSerwis Group are estimates at the beginning of February 2020 and were not subject to verification by an independent auditor.

Note: There was no biogenic CO2 emission in Budimex SA in both Range 1 and Range 2. The calculations are made using a consistent indicator methodology in force in the Ferrovial Group based on the GHG Protocol and the actual consumption of all basic fuels and electricity. Excluding emissions from system heat consumption, which is not provided for by the Ferrovial Group methodology.

Emission of pollutants into the air, main sources (in kg/year)

GRI: [ 305-7 ]
Name of pollutant unit of measurement Budimex SA
2018 2019 Change year-to-year
sulphur dioxide tonne 83,70 18,89 -77%
nitrogen oxide tonne 76,55 32,09 -58%
carbon monoxide tonne 99,27 86,59 -13%
total inhalable dust tonne 39,54 22,89 -42%
aromatic hydrocarbons tonne 14,82 8,04 -46%
aliphatic hydrocarbons tonne 6,41 3,92 -39%
total tonne 320,29 172,42 -46%

Total water consumption

GRI: [ 303-1 ]
Water consumption Water consumption Unit of measurement Grupa Budimex w tym Budimex SA
  2018 2019 2018 2019
water by source water from the network m3  364 841,12 324 370,69 337327,88  217 982,99
underground water m3  0 2951,00 455  875
surface water m3  0  0 0  0
total m3  364 841,12  327321,69 337782,88  218875,99


GRI: [ 306-2 ]
Main waste by type Budimex Group including Budimex SA
2018 2019 2018 2019
weight (tonnes) weight (tonnes) weight (tonnes) weight (tonnes)
Hazardous waste, including  183,364  


170,759  1647,82
Waste code Waste type
07 01 03* Organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 3,194 0,239 3,194  0,239
08 01 11* Waste paint and varnish containing organic solvents or other hazardous substances 5,210 5,687  –
09 01 01* Aqueous solutions of developers and fixatives 0,120  –
09 01 04* Fixer solutions 0,110  –
13 01 13* Other hydraulic oils  –
13 02 05* Mineral engine oils, gear oils and lubricating oils 0,490 0,49  –
13 02 08* Other engine oils, gear oils and lubricating oils 0,400 2,820 0,4  2,82
13 05 07 Oil water from oil dehydration in separators  –
14 06 03* Other solvents and solvent mixtures 0,050 0,05  –
15 01 10* Packaging containing residues of hazardous substances 24,298 22,985 19,318 19,105
15 01 11* High pressure packaging 1,326 0,849 1,326  0,849
15 02 02* Absorbents, filter materials and protective clothing contaminated by hazardous substances 21,978 20,912 19,998 19,172
16 01 07* Oil filters 0,291 0,313 0,216  0,283
16 02 13* Discarded equipment containing hazardous elements 0,130 0,384 0,264
16 05 06* Laboratory and analytical chemicals (e.g. chemical agents) 0,094  0,094
16 81 01* Waste displaying hazardous properties 0,500 0,5
17 02 04* Glass, plastic and wood waste containing or contaminated with dangerous substances (e.g. wooden railway sleepers) 57,380 780,834 57,38  780,834
17 05 03* Soil and stones containing hazardous substances 32,200 772,320 32,2  772,320
Main waste by type
Hazardous waste, including:  230,114 1659,28 217,509  1647,82
Waste code Waste type
17 06 01* Insulation materials containing asbestos 15,440 15,44  –
17 06 05* Building materials containing asbestos 6,767 51,34 6,767  51,34
17 09 03* Other construction, renovation and demolition waste (including mixed waste) containing hazardous substances 13,980 13,98  –
Non-hazardous waste, including  109741,425 245484,43 108493,117 243950,46
Waste code Waste type
01 04 12 Waste from washing and cleaning of minerals 23,56  495,54 23,56  495,54
02 01 03 Plant-tissue waste 643,01 643,01
06 03 99 Waste not otherwise specified 50160,89 50160,89  –
07 02 99 Waste not otherwise specified 1,07 1,21  –
10 01 01 Slags, bottom ash and boiler combustion ash 138393,7 138393,7  –
10 06 80 Lump copper slag and granulated slag  –
12 01 01 Ferrous metal filings and turnings 26,67 29,41  –
12 01 02 Ferrous dust and particles 138,56 124,52  –
12 01 13 Welding waste 10,65 1,47 5,1  0,9
12 01 21 Spent grinding bodies and grinding materials 74,47 3,50 5,5  2,7
15 01 01 Paper and cardboard packaging 75,09 78,16 73,3  76,46
15 01 02 Plastic packaging 235,71 51,51 235,38  50,92
15 01 03 Wood packaging 2,01 279,36 2,01 279,36
15 01 04 Metal packaging
15 01 06 Mixed packaging waste 47,33 75,17 47,24  75,14
15 01 07 Glass packaging 18,83 0,42 18,83 0,42
15 02 03 Absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths (e.g. rugs, towels) 2,77 2,00 0,81  0,16
16 01 03 Waste tyres 8,94 3,53 8,94 3,53
16 01 15 Antifreeze fluids
16 01 19 Plastics 0,02 0,02
16 01 20 Glass 0,05 0,24 0,05 0,24
16 02 14 Discarded equipment 1,49 1,40
16 02 16 Components removed from discarded equipment 0,02 0,11 0,02 0,11
16 06 05 Other batteries and accumulators
17 01 01 Concrete waste and concrete rubble 44076,62 62916,32 44076,62 62904,60
17 01 02 Brick rubble 17354,81 24497,86 17354,81 24497,86
17 01 03 Waste of other ceramic materials and equipment elements 4,5 28,28 4,5 28,28
17 01 07 Mixed concrete waste, brick rubble, waste ceramic materials 6262,61 24583,13 6167,57 24567,18
17 01 81 Waste from road repairs and reconstructions 1524,73 55286,92 1524,73 55286,92
17 01 82 Waste not otherwise specified 30,14 30,14
17 02 01 Wood 2649,34 3759,89 2649,34 3759,89
17 02 02 Glass 1,28 39,04 1,28 39,04
Non-hazardous waste, including  109741,4 245484,43 243950,46
Waste code Waste type
17 02 03 Plastics 38,49 67,24 38,49  67,24
17 03 02 Bituminous mixtures 1624,21 2261,42 1624,21  2261,42
17 03 80 Waste tar 80,89 5319,43 80,89  5319,43
17 04 05 Iron and steel 1653,208 1706,64 760,93  374,78
17 04 07 Mixed metals  –
17 04 11 Cables  –
17 05 06 Dredging spoil other than those mentioned in 17 05 05 3978,16 3978,16
17 05 08 Track ballast 27286,07 50025,48 27286,07  50025,48
17 06 04 Insulation materials 525,3 745,28 525,3  738,06
17 09 04 Mixed construction, renovation and demolition waste 9879,42 9091,55 9863,42  9085,09
19 12 12 Waste from mechanical waste treatment 0  –